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RE: My hiatus of person or (mind if you believe in the brain in the jar theory)


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I will not go into greater elaboration on this topic, however I thought it might be pertinent to explain my pseudo-disappearance from here. I have been rather medically ill.


As such, I may disappear and reappear somewhat irregularly going forward. This is most likely not a cause for alarm (if you are one of those that do care about me).

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I will not go into greater elaboration on this topic, however I thought it might be pertinent to explain my pseudo-disappearance from here. I have been rather medically ill.


As such, I may disappear and reappear somewhat irregularly going forward. This is most likely not a cause for alarm (if you are one of those that do care about me).

::D:: oh no!,
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Well I am currently on Medicaid insurance atm unfortunately, it is better than nothing though. It is being managed, though I have suffered pretty significantly as a result. Losing large amounts of weight in a short period of time for all the wrong reasons feels worse than gaining weight through binge eating.

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