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I really like what this guys done with his prison experiences.


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That video actually did suck.  The first video shows him talking to Dave a bit then him driving him to the jail

to turn himself in because of a technical violation. (He was a drug addict that got locked up on drug charges,

and he ended up relapsing while on probation so he checked himself into a methadome clinic) He only violated

his probation by not maintaining contact with his PO because.. He was in rehab and couldn't do anything.

Anyway now he's back in jail waiting like half a year for the hearing or whatever..


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I actually just subscribed to this guy's channel a few days ago


He's kind of annoying when he's trying to emphasize a point while telling a story, but most of his stories are pretty cool

Yeah I mean it's just cool seeing someone use their prison experiences for something somewhat productive for me.

but he's pretty well spoken and entertaining in most videos. I feel like I need to actually find a good one now. I

just wanted to know what was going on with that guy Dave because he's just a small gay drug addict and he was

so scared when he was turning himself in..

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