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A younger, edgier me, would be so disappointed right now.

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Guest squirrelygod

As I'm folding laundry, and listening to Ska.


But my response to him would be to slap his shit, beat him at the vidya games, and tell him to sit the fuck down.


I lol'd when I read this and the very first thought that came to mind was, "fuck the younger me...asshole screwed me over"  >:D


I lol'd when I read this and the very first thought that came to mind was, "fuck the younger me...asshole screwed me over"  >:D


That was my first response, then I realized younger me had a fucking blast and wouldn't trade it for anything




That was my first response, then I realized younger me had a fucking blast and wouldn't trade it for anything


younger you had a blast, but where is he now...left you holding the bag...



I don;t knnow where i'm going with this



Guest squirrelygod

He'll yeah adulting


Gotta do what's gotta be done

Guest squirrelygod

I lol'd when I read this and the very first thought that came to mind was, "fuck the younger me...asshole screwed me over"  >:D


Yeah, fuck that guy

Guest squirrelygod

Present-day you should be ashamed.


If I was ashamed of shit that I did, then I'd be as bad as you.

Guest squirrelygod

That was my first response, then I realized younger me had a fucking blast and wouldn't trade it for anything


Yeah, that guy was alright

Guest squirrelygod

younger me was a cunt.


but at least he could hold his liquor.  :|


But did all the liquor cause him to be a cunt?

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