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One of the first things to happen in the exams was Kurapika and Leorio getting pissed at Hisoka for slaughtering a group of randos and attacking him. And Gon blindly going back for them because he wanted to make sure they were okay. Or when Killua kills the inmate, Kurapika and Leorio are visibly disturbed and Gon just comes off as confused by it. Or when they had to restrain themselves from going after Hanzo when he effectively tortured Gon.


But yeah, totally right. They so didn't care.


Actually they run away at first. Leorio comes back either because he doesn't want to run away from a fight, or because as someone who wants to become a doctor, he actually cares about people dying. I honestly don't know which. In the subbed version the exact quote is "This may not be my fight, but I won't close my eyes and make a break for it"


He unfortunately doesn't seem to show this trait again. And Gon just comes to help Leerio, not because he cared about the random guys dying.


Yeah they make shocked faces at seeing a guys heart ripped out of his chest. After that... its water under the bridge. Happens every day. Whats for lunch? Gon doesn't even slightly reconsider what kind of person Killua is. Not even after flat out murdering a guy from behind during the tourney. Killua's feelings were hurt!


We already established the main characters care about each other.


There's a reason fans created a reddit thread to discuss the lack of weight behind all the deaths in HxH. If you don't want to see it you don't want to see it.



–]Ryuzaaki123 6 points 12 months ago

In Togashi's work I think it's interesting note the recurring theme of amorality. During the Hunter's Exam the deaths of dozens of people doesn't bother the protagonists in the least. Kurapika refuses to kill the fake-spider but Leorio, who one day wants to become a Doctor upholding the sanctity of life, tells him to go back out and kill him. Killua kills two people, including one innocent man, and while they are unnerved the first time they don't hesitate to rescue Killua after he kills the innocent man for no reason.

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The inmate was a serial killer planning to torture and mutilate Killua. He made that perfectly clear. :|


And amorality invalidates a story?


The characters aren't moral at all times. Morality changes in context to different situations. If the characters reacted all all the time as nothing but the virtuous good guys I probably wouldn't like them all that much. That kind of character tends to bore me, or even frustrate me given they're often poorly written to be presented as good even when doing shitty things. Gon is presented with a fairly stark, matter of fact way. You're not expected to feel any specific way about him, the show more or less let's you decide for yourself if you like or empathize with him without the standard hokey romanticized heroism.


Also, contradiction is a large part of Gon's character arc, intentionally so. His moral hypocrisy regarding the Troupe is really telling about him. Plus, contradiction is a part of strong character writing since it makes characters multifaceted. I'm sure there are unintended holes in his character, such is the case with every character ever, I just don't think they're so extreme nor really in the areas you want them to be.


I think you focused on the amorality thing instead of .. "During the Hunter's Exam the deaths of dozens of people doesn't bother the protagonists in the least"


"I feel like the value of life doesn't mean shit as a whole in their world. Nearly 9/10 of the applicants died during the hunters exam alone and the general reaction was 'ehh...'. Nobody baits an eyelash during Yorknew shootout. "


"The original exam treated death like nothing. We had almost no emotional connection to the characters who died. I didn't care about Bourbon, who died a pointless and accidental death, but I did care about Ponzu."


I mean, those are fans of HxH. They noticed. I don't see how you think it handles death in a normal fashion in the first few arcs.

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