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Yeah, well I have mixed feelings toward Toriyama.  He made Dragon Ball but he also ruined parts of it with his idiotic ideas.  Also, not sure that info was spoiler worthy.

I'm just curious what Z would've been like if Goku had died permanently after fighting Raditz making Gohan his successor like he originally intended

Yeah, but why would they review some game that no one's heard of?

Are We talking Jotun Or Overwatch? because I'm pretty sure the majority of gamers know what the hell overwatch is


it's made by the company that brought us Starcraft And The World Of Warcraft


also Diablo



No, it's not.  There's an episode next week.

and then both the Buu Saga (which funi denied they had dubbed until a couple days ago) and Super after new years

I'm just curious what Z would've been like if Goku had died permanently after fighting Raditz making Gohan his successor like he originally intended


I'm assuming a dumb show about a whiny kid.


I'm just curious what Z would've been like if Goku had died permanently after fighting Raditz making Gohan his successor like he originally intended

persnally, i feel like ending it after the cell games is the best way to end it. i still can't really buy that he wanted to end it after raditz


and then both the Buu Saga (which funi denied they had dubbed until a couple days ago) and Super after new years


We've known they've had it dubbed for years, since the VAs came out and said they did the dubbing for it.


Not even the Dragonballs could give Sean Schemmel, Justin Cook, and Sonny Strait the ability to sing.  Still, only one more week of this version of Dragonsoul.


Hercule is full of more shit than Hulk Hogan.  And so like that, everyone buys it.  Though I have to wonder the King's reaction is to all this.  Surely he must know it wasn't Hercule who did Cell in.  It's okay, though, Gohan gets revenge. ;)


And so here we come to one of the most obnoxious turn of events in all of Dragonball.  Goku chooses not to be brought back, and leave Gohan without a father growing up.



And Goten without a father during his childhood years.



1. When the fuck did Bulma ever say that?!


2.  That's a load of crap!  The villains would've done what they were doing, regardless of Goku being around.  And if it wasn't for him and his friends, who knows what peril would've befallen everyone, the Earth, etc.  Most of them didn't even know who Goku was!  The only exceptions were the Saiyans and Cell.  Even Frieza didn't give a fuck about Goku until he got to fight him for a while.


Vegeta will never fight again.  Sure.


18, cold as ever.


Jotun.  Looks fun, and I like the cartoon look.  But I've such a backlog already, I may never get to everything I want to play in my lifetime! x_x


Here, a lot of script changes, more accurate, that is, make things... a lot more clear.


Yamcha must be drunk. Piccolo's about to light his trash-talking ass up.

I repeat, I did not realize what an asshole Yamcha was until just now

actually Chichi Goku pretty much said "fuck Chichi being dead is awesome"


which is a dick move considering it's pretty obvious you love him


17 and 18 look almost exactly the same.  Why would Krillin think they were a couple?


Oh hey, Launch appears after all, in flashes during this flashback.


I wonder if she's in Super, since, ah, Toriyama would be conscious of her now.


Yamcha, the expert on women... after he lost his to Vegeta.


Tsun Tsun Papa Vegeta, hahaha.


FUCK THAT!  GOKU IS AN IDIOT AND A HORRIBLE FATHER AND HUSBAND!  God, him wanting to stay dead is sooooo stupid.


i dunno. everyone between Piccolo Jr. and Cell attack specifically because of Goku's presence. th Saiyans came cause he was there. Frieza came as a result of that encounter and the androids/ cell only attacked because of Dr. Gero's grudge. if Goku hadn't been around, these figures would all be evil, but prbably wouldn't have bothered trying to destroy the planet.


And in case anyone hasn't heard (I can't read the thread very well thanks to the constant lag and crashing), Demarco pulled a rabbit out of his beard and licensed both the Buu Saga and Super.  So, one of my guesses for a possible option came true, and they're going to play both concurrently, like the did with Dragonball and DBZ back on the old Toonami.  It makes sense to play Super as soon as possible, though certainly not striking while the iron is hot, as that ship sailed long ago.  Likely due to Toei being Toei.  It's obviously not because of dub turnaround delay in this day and age.  At the same time, we know how much Toonami hates to "throw away episodes", so it makes sense to play Buu Saga, as well, if they can.  I suppose anyone who hasn't seen the Buu Saga before will have spoilers from Super, but oh well.


DBZ Kai had pretty much lost me since the end of the Frieza Saga and knowing that the story is far from over nulled all the emotional weight I could have gotten from this "finale". This was still a pretty good ep and it did an excellent job bookending the end of the original Kai series. There was still some goofy stuff in this ep though like Vegeta's proclamation to never fight again or the rushed revival of Trunks, and by the third time they did Giant Ghost Goku in the background it became ridiculous.


Even though Kai just became the show that kick-offed Toonami for me I'm still somewhat hungry for the new stuff. I'm sure Super will be a refreshing change of pace from the monotonous of the Cell saga and Buu will kinda be same old same old. But still two new shows and guaranteed killer ratings definitely excites me.

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