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Everything posted by Shiina

  1. forging fuggz chastity belt in the fires of Mount Doom
  2. There is more dust then usual falling from the ceiling... something must be going on up there.....
  3. Meat Loaf needs to send a wrecking ball into that thing.
  4. Has this fact ever stopped you before?
  5. Please don't give her any new ideas.
  6. You are hording information that could potentially benefit the human race.
  7. Then why are Vincent's eyes glowing blue and he has a genocidal look on his face? Are those human ships in the back ground before the credits role? The reason people never liked this anime is cause it was too complex.
  8. That episode and the Game show episode cracked me up.
  9. your little balloon models Which ones are futa?
  10. I just want a Pino-bot for myself. **cries**
  12. Also what exactly does happen at the end?
  13. Now that I am researching the show, its very very confusing to understand the first time you watch. For example:
  14. I kind of liked little pedo android. I didn't understand the game show thing. Did everyone just eat a plate of mushrooms and the whole thing was a hullucination? Was the Game show dude just a proxy gone crazy and he made a game show dome-world? Infact I don't get half the weird shit that happens in the show.
  15. I don't understand ANYTHING that happened in that series. Re-L needs bigger ( . ) ( . )
  16. The person who created haruhi died or was it just the lead animator? or did he make the manga first.
  17. Hopefully fuggz won't sit down.
  18. I didn't understand the ending but it was pretty good!
  19. wood as in a big cock??
  20. No I'd rather her wear that thing. We need to crush her Lou Diamond Philips fantasys anyways.
  21. Osama Bin Laden didn't even exist. It was just Obama in disguise. Him and bush were snoring coke with Hillary backstage. WHY IS NO ONE LISTENING TO SHIINA!!!!11
  22. fuggz you know its true. Why did 3 buildings collapse? Both towers and this other building. And they all fell down. Why did they fall down?
  23. The day Bush blew up the twin towers and another building with controlled demos. And the air planes were CGI. Few people died cause the buildings were empty- bought by the bush administration months before. Have a nice day.
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