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🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

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Everything posted by 🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

  1. Working all weekend but i cleaned Going out of town next weekend
  2. O sowwies. I wasnt being serious. I dont really get along with my family and have spent Thanksgiving with my friend's family just to find out theirs is just as bad lol But i love to cook n eat
  3. I can tell yall families cant cook for shit
  4. Im trying to order this $100 already cooked turkey but i hesitate cuz i can barely eat these days and i only eat once a day but i fucking want this turkey so bad! Im never going on a weight loss journey the end of the year again. This blows.
  5. When i win the battle and have drank the required amt of water lol (i have to post this...it will not be long before i turn back into a troll)
  6. I suspected I had a family member in the Emmanuel church shooting. Now we know for sure. Its fucking even more personal now. 😡😡
  7. It has an adult section tho? Not all of them did And yes i know theres still a few out there
  8. Really? My daughter had a rough time at summer camp...was mixed in with younger kids.. Came out of it saying she doesn't want kids of her own. I just accepted i wouldn't have grand kids and kept it moving. No big deal. They woulda been so cute, tho.
  9. Episode 3 of Modern Love on Amazon Prime. Had me bawling like a baby. Really does a great showcase of the illness and even shows the best way to cope with a friend that has it. Im making anyone who is worthy watch it.
  10. Man, people can't even trust themselves..as in..people dont always have total control of themselves.
  11. Also i see the little cowardly hints at me lol im not a cheater and i dont date those types..i barely date at all and im monogamous when i do. Im not greedy. Im not the heartless bitch you werent enough for.
  12. Ive gotten most of my jobs off careerbuilder
  13. He sucks but hes right. Trust NO ONE. Expect the more you love someone the more they will most likely hurt you and move on.
  14. Not on apple maps it doesn't
  15. Thats hilarious. Google maps is the shit. It tells u when theres a traffic jam, tells u when theres accidents, tells u the speed limit and they are going to add speed traps...in no way does apple compare.
  16. I have two apple devices and a galaxy. I notice no difference except the galaxy is a lot more intuitive when it comes to navigation.
  17. lol ew something wrong with your fingers
  18. So they can make lab made ears, skin, beating hearts, etc How long before they are making lab grown penises and vaginas for people? Imagine a pocket pussy but its a real vagina...just not attached to a person Then later, entire bodies but with no consciousness designed for just THAT one thing to the customers specific instructions. 😱😱 I think imma patent this.
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