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Everything posted by Cran

  1. Hutz had so much more to offer the series.....May he burn in hell. But seriously....I didn't say him because I figured it was too obvious an answer.
  2. Cran


  3. Are we strictly talking from the C-list, because I'm a Chief Wiggum fan.......Honestly, Gil was never on my radar until I watched this little compilation....But i guess that's kinda the point od his character.
  4. I hate making new threads for shit I know i read recently so bump. There is a LOT to unpack about the dream I just had, but 2 aspects of it really but me in anxiety shock for a few minutes......Something that happens a lot in my dreams is I lose my shoes....But for some reason, this time it was really fucking with me, like I was rushing looking for my shoes before i got left by the bus, but the hallways kept getting me lost....I awoke sweating like I had ran 8 miles. But that wasn't what fucked with me the most The thing that got me is I was in school and I was flunking math....Me....Math. I have never made anything lower than an A in any math class (Except for a calculus course in college, but it wasn't because i couldn't do it.....Circumstances dictated that I drop out that semester or go to jail)....Anyway, I was begging my teacher to explain to me what I was doing wrong as she handed me failure after failure of worksheets..... The thing is, nothing on the paper was comprehensible, but it was like my conscious brain was frighting my subconscious for the answers instead of just going "Oh, we're dreaming".....So I followed my teach around the school, asking why i was failing....Telling her I'm good at math and these grades don't make sense. I don't know why it's still kinda bothering me. Oh, and upon waking up I realized my math teacher was actually my doctor....But that's something else. There was also a part that focused on my highschool football career, but i know what that was....I've always blamed myself for us not making it to state my Jr. year because I hurt our starting DE in practice and I took his place....Not sure why it bothers me because decades later, after talking to my teammates, they all say that if i wasn't doing a good job, coach wouldn't have let me play and put in one of the other DEs, but I can't and may never shake that guilt. Like I still wonder sometime if I subconsciously chop blocked that dude to put him out, but he was one of my best friends and I think I was just clumsy.
  5. They aren't roaches, The house isn't the problem....They congregate around the trash bin that I wheel to the curb every Thursday and they fly inside when you open the door, but thank you for your input.
  6. This is now my life's work.....Everything else is on hold until I do this. In the realm of conservationists, are flies even on the roster? Like would anyone one day spearhead a crusade to save the common housefly?
  7. I should have never made this thread.
  8. I think this was a product slogan or restaurant jingle at one time
  9. We'll get by....There is far better zydeco.....This song is just for the outsiders. It's like listening to La Cucaracha on Cinco de Mayo
  10. Cran


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