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Everything posted by Green

  1. Maybe you're just a big baby.
  2. That is a great game, and I say that with zero sarcasm.
  3. I thought the same thing but that presentation has made me pretty optimistic. I'm not the biggest fan of 7 by any means but it looks like they're putting some serious thought and effort into the remake, and that says a lot considering we're talking about Square-Enix. I'd argue this is one of the few things they've done that isn't a cash grab.
  4. that FF7 remake looks badass.
  5. That's a different character.
  6. Batman should be played by a woman. It's 2019, dammit.
  7. It's true. I own a couch. Why do I need both?
  8. I don't even own a bed.
  9. He was clearly using Trinity to get into Morpheus' pants.
  10. You're the only gay person I hate.
  11. He's basically Neo except not gay.
  12. I do that just because I spread the pb first and wipe the knife on the other piece of bread.
  13. Your dog hates you.
  14. Well would you eat cereal without milk?
  15. Actually, my mom's birthday is this month now that I think about it.
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