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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. I never liked the last episode of Star Trek the Next Generation I also never really see the point of the whole Star Wars versus Star Trek thing either
  2. Man speaking for myself I support such the idea for a bill
  3. Well most of the parents that got themselves deep into the moral panic and did protests are just doing that for shows just to make them look good they possibility and read any of the books. I know I did one or two and I didn't care for it but I just stating this out front sometimes those moral panics are unjustified and a distraction to real issues. You know the Red Scare for example was overblown well the second Red Scare in the 50s and the the satanic Panic of the 1970s to 1990s did not actually add anything to value theologically there's the rinse and repeat on us tape other people that don't believe the same shit we do. The small attempt in Evangelical Christian circles to cause a moral panic dealing with the Lord of the Rings films being released but let's stop that was JRR tolkien was good friends with CS Lewis a very popular fantasy writer in and Evangelical Protestant and greater Christian circles so Plus the creator of Lord of the Rings was deeply religious and Roman Catholic. Evangelicals love to complain about Catholics but not enough to cause issues between the two denominations. So yeah some of this stuff is just total BS @naraku360 I will try to look into it but I am in the middle of rereading/listening to the star wars X-Wing series of books How how it sounds this series you're talking about is possibly something I don't want to read in my older years because frankly a story about children frankly about space aliens that can turn into animals. Doing Warfare or terrorism is frankly not a comfortable thought there's actually a reason that's a war crime albeit with children somehow rebelled against organized governments nowadays when surprise me for one too would that be counted as a war crime I don't know.
  4. Yeah I'm I'm surprised a lot more series are more controversial but aren't despite the fact they are in fact due moral upheaval do to some very religious gruops. Plus people with way too much time on their hands and seeing evil around every corner can overlook some things I don't know how but they're looking for you at any spot they can they find the lowest hanging fruit which isn't necessary evil. How you describing this book series it seems very DS9
  5. Might have to check it out
  6. Yeah I'm not familiar as a reader I knew a lot of people who read those books it was a popular book series to do book reports back in the day
  7. Plus Israel since 1947 has the best Victory to defeat ratio then any other country on the planet. One day Say Never Again they do mean never again
  8. I agree with that it's less likely this would start World War 3 in comparison to say Taiwan or Russia attacking Poland head on I do not suggest anyone do such things but speakingly yeah we are kind of obligated to defend them more than we are obligated the state of Israel
  9. Paper gun people saying Israel will do something but militarily what they can do and I don't mean they can't really do a long-range strike to Iran from Israel without causing the whole Middle East to go up in flames but you know there mossad but I mean there's nothing it's not like they can put troops on the the ground on large scales they can pull off some thing like the Raid on Entebbe
  10. Apparently there's going to be a Counter-Strike somewhere I know that Israel allegedly has nuclear deterrence so I don't know if they would be using theirs and yes they can strike Iran supposedly they have submarine launch missiles not ballistic missiles but some kind of cruise capability that can be used with nuclear warheads
  11. not really not a lot but yes there some
  12. I presumed a mixture of both some of the cars that I saw I thought looked weird had stock paint schemes others got repainted
  13. And wonder what kind of paint job is that that factory made or just crappy
  14. ? Once again the British invaded the boars who invaded the African natives so there's so many layers of imperialism
  15. You mean the British or the Dutch settlers because that's so many layers of imperialism there it's so complicated
  16. I'm a lot fucking smarter than I act
  17. I would not commit political violence to me that is Terrorism and therefore Warfare but I won't wage war against the United States of America the nation I'm a citizen of That's entrapment question if I ever heard one
  18. I don't know why I find this funny but I do
  19. I know this is about a year old but honestly I won't want to piss off the country that has the language Africans which has the word Commando meaning command actually in its language the South African Dutch settlers called the boars fought a bloody gurilla wars that they fougth against the British that was one of the bloodiest for yjr birts until IRA campaigns of the 1970s I know that I know Putin was is stubborn but I want one to piss off a country that you know a few decades ago political violence was the norm just saying personally I find this funny
  20. Yeah I was about the same amount maybe 99 but yeah I got my glasses and I was looking at them and I wasn't too far from a point of totality I just didn't want to deal with the crowds I was that close
  21. Gojira 1954 longest day 1962 sink the bismark 1960 Metropolis 1927 It's a Wonderful Life 1946 or 1947 Doctor Strange Love 1963 Fail safe also 1963 Word worlds 1953 When Worlds Collide 1951 The assassination Bureau 1968 saw that yesterday pretty good The Great Dictator 1940 And short subject animated Lonesome Ghosts 1937
  22. But whatever enjoy yourself I'm going to enjoy it
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