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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. Well that... definitely sounds like a much better use of both our time.... But then again, the completely unknown names attached to this piece of Cats business sound so much more promising than the celebrities in the dark energy Cats movie
  2. It really does. You might've talked me into it. Not started yet?
  3. That's right. It's a wonderful life™️ it's early evening for me but I'm too hopped up on diet coke and frog pills to focus on a movie rn. Definitely tomorrow night.
  4. Hmm sounds like you need a rollicking crew in the chat to make it worthwhile. Luckily,
  5. Then WTF are we still doing here?? Roll out, babes
  6. Hmm idk, my queue still has some stuff in it but don't feel like looking tonight Oh I did get a great rec today about a B&W movie slightly similar to the one we watched called A Field in England that's available for free on Tubi. And I just checked and it's on Prime too!!!! @Poof the person who told me about it made it sound pretty good so that's one suggestion. I'm free until Friday tho so let's keep bumping that watch party thread and maybe some freaks will join us
  7. Ha! Hahaha! Ahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! You know, quickels, there was a time when these vicious cuts from your razor sharp beak might have actually affected me, had I made the supremely unfortunate decision to remain a person.
  8. No! You can't! You mustn't! Stop doing journalism poof!
  9. Woah, hang on. What's this? These readings can't be right. I'm detecting signs of some serious life activity... coming from... General Noise? B-but, but, but that can't be! Those folders were abandoned hours ago! Who possibly could have survived, let alone thrived, as these readings are indicating? This has to be some mistake..... Who is that, who is out there?? Crying in the wilderness? Barking in the dark? Reveal yourself, creature!
  10. Don't do it poof I still have some screenshots from about that long ago which I want to share one day because it will make me laugh very much, but I was told that'll get me booted. So I wait...
  11. RIMFP
  12. Ok cringuy
  13. Shit is trash
  14. That's antifa who killed him, the goblincum imps who write Cringuy's talking points are sure of it
  15. we're about to start EMBRACE OF THE SERPENT if you or anyone wanna come watch and chat https://amz.onl/bNxj95S
  16. I got it for secret santa yeah, but it says I need to go on the computer and I don't feel like getting up. Maybe tho
  17. It's got Paris Hilton and the girl from Spy Kids and that's all I remember bc I haven't thought about this in ten years.
  18. Let's watch Tusk!
  19. The MAGA woman who was shot and killed was formerly a member of the National Guard.
  20. What happens when I collect them all?
  21. Biden isn't going to open the door to himself or Obama being charged with any of their crimes as President so he'll actively protect Trump as much as he can, IMO
  22. What did you do to make them even try to get involved in fucking your life up this way?? That's fuckin infuriating to hear
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