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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. I dont know what u mean by asian filtered lol But i do have asian in my blood hence the asian eyes Youre after misaka for noticing it. Tell me if my pic is crazy eyed next time lol
  2. 🙄 No reason to. And if u think abt it it makes sense since our store is at 50% off...people are stocking up on shit like crazy.
  3. How the hell am i going to do that? Lol we give customers their reciepts and our registers are ancient and dont print copies.
  4. Not the pt. Rogue claimed i was lying when i said a lady spent $450 there lol
  5. A union would do everything to keep you in a job actually My brother works for one and he told me this lady was taking cash deposits for herself and the union got her her job back
  6. So now we got the 3 stooges .. $50 embassy suites kat, racist ginguy and now mentally challenged misaka
  7. I have a pen and all my bills are marked.
  8. You have to take the bills out to count them retard. And yes i mark all my bills. This one girl took all her money out and left it unattended. What do u think they did to her?
  9. LMAO U are so stupid lol Its not a bad thing tho with u misaka..you make me laugh
  10. Theres not ONE store that says you cant.
  11. Why would it matter if its online. All you have to do is go in the store and see the money yourself. Especially when tills are closing at the end of the nite every nite with customers all over the place. Lol fucking stupid. No one gives a shit. Keep following up lying $50 a nite embassy suite kat and racist republitard Ginguy.
  12. lol 1st of all none of them are going to tell u where i work and second of all even *I* cant get info without giving my employee ID and 3rd..we dont keep the contents of our drawers secret. Maybe if they made us round up the money and take it in the back...but they dont...we count it all right in front of customers and i see that in lots of stores.
  13. Id have to be as smart as you to follow up with anything they say lol
  14. You don't know what i can afford. I had a two bedroom apartment with a pool and ac . You live in a tiny one bedroom apartment and cant even afford a car. U need to find the $50 a nite embassy suites. You never did it. Or at least find a motel 6 that offers free cocktails u dumb bitch 🤣🤣
  15. No there isnt. Just lies from ginguy and kat lmao
  16. Wtf would they care? Lol
  17. Lol we take all the money out the till right in front of customers when we close it down, idiot. We take all the money out AT THE REGISTER OUT in the OPEN...they definitely can see ALL OF IT...in big fat stacks You seeing a pic of a hotel and getting jealous cuz you cant afford it doesnt make it $50 lol no matter how much you wanna cry about it
  18. You do kno a 2 second google search exposes all your misinfo and lies you tell. Like the time you claimed the Embassy suites in your city had a $50 a nite rate then it turned out there wasnt even one embassy suites in your ENTIRE STATE
  19. No store name or address tho plus there are zero rules against it. Kats just making shit up as she always does but yall are too dumb to realize it. She gets off on manipulating you guys cuz what else does she have in life 🤣
  20. I didnt do anything wrong lol why do yall believe everything kat says? Shes just pulling shit out of her ass making up rules on the fly trying to look better than people all the damn time with her wrinkly weird azzz.
  21. No im not LOL The only social media rules there are not to make official statements for the company and thats it.
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