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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. One week and still not much of a word from our trump supporting neighbor/friend Dude claimed he’d have cash for us by the end of the week and one week later. Still waiting for that money he said he would give he’s been awfully quiet in general. Not sure if he actually found the blue prints for project 2025 and he’s coming to terms with that or he just couldn’t come up with the money like he thought he would
  2. Gotta say it’s awkward constantly being bailed out by a trump supporter friend…. Even if I tried selling stuff online I’d need a ride to the post office and we don’t have a reliable vehicle right now I gave GoFundMe a go to try and pay the essentials but only got a couple hundred dollars so once again needed to be bailed out by mister trump supporter Any attempts I make to avoid that conclusion either fail or just don’t work period due to my circumstances
  3. The GoFundMe has been deleted I thank everyone here for all the support and donations final tally raised overall: $410/$6K
  4. The issue is that we can’t peacefully discuss anything with maga they’ll get offended and want to fight politics are seen by them as an invitation to punch people who don’t love trump Even on online they quickly derail a discussion to claim the liberals are slandering trump I have a family member like that who constantly posts to Facebook about democrats being so unfair and how things would be better if we just trusted Donald trump
  5. Been reading this comic since trumps victory
  6. I hate that politics can’t be peacefully discussed because one side just wants to fuel the country with hatred and racism But politics dictate our lives we can’t just ignore them they’ll still affect us Nothing changes if politics continue to be viewed as something that only exists to make people fight each other
  7. The people running things would have them imprisoned or shot. That’s worse than not talking to you We can’t let people forget trump wants to arrest anyone who doesn’t worship him
  8. Media is acting like the was just a typical eduction somebody won somebody lost we move on
  9. “Eating the dogs eating the cats” still can’t believe that won
  10. I’m tired of this being the common complaint nobody got on the republicans asses for ditching the primary but somehow when the democrats do the same it’s “taking choice away from the American people”
  11. It’s not that they have nothing without the internet but that kids don’t really have many places for them period Growing up there were many activities and businesses catered towards kids now there isn’t and kids have to go online to find some semblance of a hang out spot because there’s Jack shit for them offline in that department
  12. There just doesn’t seem to be any money in that though because we did have kid centric places in the past but they went out of business
  13. I don’t exactly have many options right now…my mothers got a social security interview on the 18th but even if that goes anywhere I’m not confident about it due to trump walking into office Right now all we can do is sell or pawn stuff to get by
  14. Problem is if we try to say underage kids should have either limited internet access or none then where are they suppose to go? It’s not like arcades are still around and much of the places children hung out at have either gone out of business or declined to such an extent they might as well be out of business if I was a kid today I’d have no idea what to do with my weekend
  15. His team will try to ruin democracy as much as it can within the next four years The republicans aren’t going anywhere they want trump style politics forever
  16. Still haven’t heard anything from my neighbor since Tuesday really not looking forward to seeing him Just know he’s gonna make some comment about the election. he’s the only person helping out me and my mother so really wanting to avoid any arguments because then I might be up a creek without a paddle
  17. We’re gonna deal with kids becoming more trumps in the future we can tell them it’s wrong but he just won and democrats are gonna hand the keys over to a man whose gonna make sure there’s no more elections
  18. The working class instead voted for the man who never pays anybody and thinks workers should have no rights “Just be glad you get to work for me that’s better than a pay check!”
  19. What’s horrifying is the idea of Donald trump being any kids role model and person to imitate because he’s mister president How do we tell younger generations this isn’t right when democracy just told us it is?
  20. If people rather be thrown into a dystopian hellhole run by the MAGA elites than actually vote I don’t think there’s anything the democrats could have done to convince them to vote they knew what was at stake and said. “Eh not good enough reason for me to vote” Hope they enjoy what trump has planned for them
  21. Problem is If you vote trump for any reason you are basically saying you are fine with criminals running the country you are fine with somebody lying about foreigners wanting to eat your pets and you are fine with somebody that wants to threaten and kill anyone who makes jokes about him that’s not American that’s not human that’s downright monstrous
  22. So is it safe to assume the majority of Americans love trump? im still finding that hard to believe
  23. Kamala put far more effort into her campaign than trump and had far more money supporting the campaign yet he won in a landslide after he made numerous comments about not needing anyone’s votes that he’s got more than enough. Nobody’s mentioning how weird that was
  24. This was in response to the mark waid message
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