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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. You know there's an in between, right? Like you don't HAVE to upgrade your phone every year or every time a new one comes out. They support software upgrades and security updates on older devices for a little while. I upgraded mine about a year ago and have no plans to upgrade again soon. My last phone I had for about 3 or 4 years and it still worked fine (Also I didn't "throw it in the trash" I traded it in for cash towards a new phone). Had a newer OS than your phone does, too.
  2. Yeah somebody isn't doing something <_< I'll have to call the doctor's office on Monday. Didn't want to call today and pester them more about it after I already called a bunch the past two days, but I need that paperwork in.
  3. All that money and you couldn't even splurge on an Uber?
  4. About 3 weeks Idk what's going on. I called the doctor's office yesterday and they said they'd get the disability paperwork completed and sent in today. But I asked them to call me when it was done and they never did. Haven't heard anything from my work's HR, either, and I think they're supposed to contact you when they get the paperwork as well. I did submit the paperwork to my work that'd I'd be gone but I need the paperwork to verify that the surgery actually happened and the disability paperwork so I get paid and so I can be approved for the full 3 weeks off. I called in to my work this morning to see if I was on the schedule and apparently my name was scratched out on the schedule but someone apparently isn't getting the message since they're still calling me for overtime, and the person I spoke to when I called in didn't know why my name had been scratched out.
  5. Nothing yet, unfortunately
  6. I don't. Like they were just calling for overtime which is always optional.
  7. I can't quit I need money. Supposed to be on disability leave because of my surgery but I don't think they got the paperwork.
  8. I think the doctor forgot to send in my paperwork
  9. But my pinkie is all wrapped up and I can't get the dressing wet
  10. Update: The nerve block has finally worn off enough that I can finally move my wrist and use my fingers
  11. Yeah just removing this lump thing from my hand. I got there at 6:45 was home by like 11:30. I think the actual surgery was only like half an hour.
  12. I wonder how much time I'd get off work for a kidney removal I'll have to look into that.
  13. Thanks it will be nice to get a bit of time off work
  14. Not too speedy though I want 4th of July off <__<
  15. I had too many drugs to care. They didn't put me all the way under but I just remember them giving me something to sedate me and me lying there thinking they were just preping the area and waiting for them to say they were starting. Then they told me they were done.
  16. I lived bitch
  17. My hand I got a nerve block I can't feel anything from the shoulder down
  18. Are you a state employee because that attitude is pretty common where I work
  19. Yeah it went pretty quick I was done with surgery by like 9:30
  20. Goodie. Hopefully I can get my disability paperwork filled out and submitted.
  21. This place has a standard 2 weeks PTO but a flexible "as long as you get your 40 hours in you can work whenever" type of schedule. I'd probably try to work it into a 4 10 hour days type of deal most weeks.
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