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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. It's just weird to hear songs that were made after I was born on classic rock stations. But I guess when I was a kid I didn't think it was weird to hear 70's songs on classic rock stations even though they'd be about as old then as 90's songs are now.
  2. Indeed. I'm just hoping it will be like a "check once a year to make sure the tumor isn't progressing" kind of thing. The neurologist did basically say he thinks we should still take a conservative approach but since that tumor wasn't described in my last MRI I need some kind of specialist to follow up (my last MRI was like 15 years ago so who knows how long the mass has been there or how it's progressing). I have noticed that my head seems to hurt more lately where I have this bump thing (which I think is a neurofibroma) but that bump has been there awhile and only bothered me if I actually hit it until like last week so I wonder if the pain is just a placebo effect since I know I have a tumor now. Not sure if it's even in the same place.
  3. He recommended I start seeing a neuro-oncologist. So that's fun.
  4. I mean it probably shouldn't because the client just took a nap while I looked at my phone. But I'm counting it lol It was only like an extra hour but it makes a difference <_<
  5. There was a house fire down the street from the client's house so police put up roadblocks on every street out of the neighborhood. Had to stay there for over an hour past when I would have left. Not sure if I was even technically supposed to leave when I did because there was still a car blocking the intersection I turned out of but no police or firemen or anyone to tell me I couldn't and just enough space for me to get my car out (There had been two cars totally blocking the way. There was police tape on the other two ways out but nothing the way I went). https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/local/cuyahoga-county/man-sets-multiple-homes-on-fire-after-blow-torching-weeds-in-newburgh-heights/95-9d553418-f8f5-464a-9f14-1d1eb67e0bd7
  6. I was. That's why I looked up the customer service number directly and didn't call back the number that called me.
  7. I got a call the other day from someone claiming to be from the bank my car loan is through. But when I looked up the number there were a bunch of people saying it was a scam so I thought nothing of it since I made my car payment on time. Then I got another call the next day from a different number. This one also had some people saying it was a scam but I thought maybe I should look into it. Contacted them online directly from the website and they told me something about the payment being marked as an extra payment and said they'd fix it. Well then today I get ANOTHER call so I call their customer service number and they tell me my account is past due because the payment I made was allocated to the principal but not to the interest "for some reason". Recommend that I make payments via phone from now on because sometimes this just happens "due to system glitch". They said they'd reallocate the payment for me so hopefully that goes through.
  8. It varies. So the kits I've used have been from EveryPlate, Hello Fresh, Home Chef, and Blue Apron. EveryPlate is the cheapest but has less to choose from each week and I generally struggle to find 3 meals that I really actually want from them. But again it's the cheapest and they're also the only one that I've actually gotten free boxes from rather than just discounted ones. Looking at their website, they charge $4.99/serving plus $8.99 shipping. So a family plan box (which would have 3 meals of 4 servings each) would be like $68. Then you can basically find ways to abuse promo codes as much as you want by making new accounts. The promo codes are usually something like $20 off your first 3 boxes and sometimes free shipping. So it would be like $40-50 but again that's for 12 total servings. I think Hello Fresh and Home Chef are both $7.99/serving and Blue Apron is like $8.99. Some of them charge for shipping, some don't. The "Standard" plan for all of them is 3 recipes per week with either 2 or 4 servings each, but some let you get more or less meals each week. You just have to look at their websites to find out. Generally it's more expensive than grocery shopping it's just good if you're like me and get too lazy to shop sometimes and then get fast food or pizza when you're too lazy to shop.
  9. The ones I get come with 3 meals, 2 servings each. I think most of them offer family plans as well if u need more servings. I just hate grocery shopping.
  10. I still have a bunch of codes that are supposed to be for "new subscribers" but they don't seem to care as long as you use a different e-mail address. Now two other companies I've used before sent me some codes for returning customers. In the past year, there have probably been more weeks where I've used some meal delivery kit than weeks where I haven't. I've yet to pay full price for one except for like, 2 weeks where I forgot to cancel one that was on a promo code. I am 100% convinced that this is exactly their business model and they don't actually care that much about people abusing promo codes like this.
  11. I just like having quiet and more money and freedom. Not to mention that I don't know if I could raise a kid with a disability of any kind, as bad as that might sound. I've dealt with enough of that through my various jobs. Also there's the whole "can I really in good conscience bring a human into the world as it's going to shit all around us and we have the impending doom of climate change constantly over our heads and the people in charge seem to have collective decided that money is more important than the fucking planet?"
  12. Thankfully no one's really asked me about having kids yet. Although that also means that I haven't prepared a good response to that question.
  13. Wonder when I'm going to get the "when are you going to have kids" shit from my family. Wonder if they'll wait until after the wedding or if they'll ask at the reception.
  14. Both. They want to track how the clients are doing and also make sure we're actually doing out jobs.
  15. I do that when I'm close by but they're not always very convenient
  16. So my insurance kind of sucks. It's free from my employer and I have a $5000 deductible. So the insurance will still do the contracted rate stuff but will pay nothing beyond that. And I'm not sure. I'm just going off the results they posted on my online medical file haven't actually talked to doc yet I'm guessing he'll call soon. Brain tumors are super common with this condition I have but I think they're almost always benign.
  17. I mean I'm not too surprised. Tumors in the brain is a symptom of the condition I have and I'd noticed a bump on my scalp similar to one I had removed from my finger last year (which was a tumor from this condition)
  18. I mean I've known about this condition since I was a child and I've known that the tumors are one of the symptoms. They've always said it was a mild case. Some people get the tumors all over their body but they're almost always benign. I haven't been having any issues just though it was a good idea to get checked out for the first time in 15 years.
  19. So apparently my insurance did "discount" it some from the 3k charge it would have been. But it's still like a 1.5k charge. Yay. Also they posted the results of the mri. I'm guessing the doctor is gonna call me to help interpret them cause I'm not really sure what it all means. Looks like I do have a tumor in my brain (don't freak out I have a condition where that's just a thing that happens) that wasn't there the last time I had an mri. So that's cool.
  20. I do that sometimes. Should just do it all the time tbh
  21. So we're supposed to enter notes about every interaction we have with a client and they really get on our assess about doing them as soon as possible, like when we're with the client of possible. Most of the time it's not possible to do them while I'm with a client since I'm driving. So I do what I can and usually I'll just park the car somewhere and do them when I have a few minutes between clients. So today I find a nice parking lot and as soon as I pull out my computer some beggar comes up to my car. She's still hanging around near my car after I hear her sob story and give her one of my extra bus tickets just so she'll leave me alone. Anyway, it makes me uncomfortable so I leave and go to a park down the street. I park the car, and then some kids decide that, in this big, mostly empty parking lot, the spot directly next to my car is the best place to just sit and hang out. Again, I feel uncomfortable so I leave. Fun, fun.
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