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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I'll just climb in his bedroom window I know where it is.
  2. He won't be over until tomorrow night
  3. Like a plug without a socket, I'm just waitin' 'round for you.
  4. No I want to actually get a job.
  5. Yay. Now I just need to contact someone for a third reference. I already have two and I have an idea of who I can use for a third. It's someone I worked with at my last job who wasn't my supervisor but was a supervisor. I had a pretty good relationship with her but I'm not sure how to explain what happened or what to say to her or anything.
  6. Can u get me sick maybe I'll get to die.
  7. Can u pay me $1000 a day to clean ur apartment
  8. So much free time to clean....and clean again
  9. I want to but at the same time I need to remind myself that I'm not on vacation right now and need to really focus on getting a new job. Hopefully when I get an offer they offer me on like, a Tuesday or Wednesday and I can tell them I'll start next Monday. Then I could feel more like I'm on a vacation for a few days >_>
  10. Not yet. One place called me on Friday to ask if I was interested in a position which is basically what I just got out of (different from what I applied to). I told them I was hoping to move to a different field but might be interested in learning more about the position. They said they'd pass my resume along to the hiring manager. Nothing yet from them though, but I guess it's good that they're actually reading my resume. Also applied to a job at the first place I worked at out of college. I worked at their summer camp program but they also run a year round day program. Pay is like the bare minimum I'd need to survive but it's first shift, Monday-Friday, paid holidays, all that good stuff. Plus it's a lot more laid back than my last job and is more like what I want to do. I'd know a lot of the clients already since a lot of them went to camp, too. Not that having worked there before guarantees anything but it's probably a plus. Just applied there tonight.
  11. Yeah I mean I'm happy that I don't have to go to that job anymore. Like it got to the point where I hated going into work every day. But I still need money. And not knowing when I'm gonna have a steady income again is scary.
  12. Losing a sense of purpose is totez fun
  13. -nt
  14. Thankfully I already had an eye doctor appointment scheduled so I'll be able to get my new contacts lol. Dentist appointment wasn't until April though, don't think they'll cover a check-up/cleaning again so soon. Thanks
  15. Geeze. Not sure what the requirement for looking for work is here. I know you have to be "actively searching" for a new job but not sure how that's defined. The application asked me to enter what shifts I'd be willing to work so maybe the state helps with the employment search or something. Payment is 50% your average weekly pay, capped at like $450/week.
  16. My state has like 4 requirements from what I'm seeing. The only one that's iffy is "You are unemployed through no fault of your own" but one thing I saw said that if you lost your job due to "not being a good fit" that counts as no fault of your own and I think that's the official reason they're giving.
  17. I just applied now to get the ball rolling.
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