Not yet. One place called me on Friday to ask if I was interested in a position which is basically what I just got out of (different from what I applied to). I told them I was hoping to move to a different field but might be interested in learning more about the position. They said they'd pass my resume along to the hiring manager. Nothing yet from them though, but I guess it's good that they're actually reading my resume.
Also applied to a job at the first place I worked at out of college. I worked at their summer camp program but they also run a year round day program. Pay is like the bare minimum I'd need to survive but it's first shift, Monday-Friday, paid holidays, all that good stuff. Plus it's a lot more laid back than my last job and is more like what I want to do. I'd know a lot of the clients already since a lot of them went to camp, too. Not that having worked there before guarantees anything but it's probably a plus. Just applied there tonight.