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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I'll write u an IOU okay Oh and kidney is coming too I hope that's cool
  2. They said I could be eligible. They let me go for "not being a good fit" so idk.
  3. Not counseling, social work. And I don't want to do social work.
  4. Need a roommate? I'll clean for u and will only make one thread a week to complain about u.
  5. Hopefully I won't have to be on it for long
  6. Let me live in ur house for free
  7. no u have a job send me money
  8. Yay free money
  9. Make fucking young boys great again?
  10. I wasn't fapping I was in my car and reached back to grab my lunch
  11. Ow Although I was able to do yoga this evening no problem and now all of a sudden it hurts again
  12. Uhh... I mean he beats me every day and is super mean.
  13. Nah I wouldn't want to sell him he treats me really well.
  14. Yeah. It feels pretty bittersweet. The whole not having income thing is a concern but I think I'll be okay. Hopefully.
  15. Out of college since May 2015 and up until now have been working ever since (save for a month I took off after a summer camp job)
  16. But then how do I explain the gap in employment?
  17. I've thought about trying to become an STNA but yeah that can be pretty stressful. But it would be very hands on.
  18. So then what do I say? <_< I'd like to avoid saying I was terminated if possible. I know, I just mean they won't say anything negative
  19. More direct care type of stuff I guess. I wanna be more hands-on.
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