Job is pretty much exactly what I want to do
Pay is decent (Less than I made before but enough that I could live comfortably)
Facilities are super nice, clean, modern, and secure (It's not in the best area of town so security is important but for being in a bad area I was really surprised at how nice everything was)
Four 10-hour shifts a week (I actually kind of like this because I'd always have three days off a week, and my days off would be all in a row)
Free dinners
I'd be working Friday-Monday 1pm-12am to start (They say it's easy to move up and everyone starts with those hours but who knows how true that is and good-bye social life in the meantime)
Location is pretty far away, I'd probably want to move once I finish out my lease
Location isn't the best. While the building and parking lot is secure I'd feel a bit nervous driving home until I get to the freeway
Tbh if it had better hours/days I probably would have accepted the offer but that's a big one for me. What do. Also for unemployment they say I have to accept any "suitable" offer for employment I get and they don't consider pay or what shift it is in suitability. I guess the location and the fact that I don't technically have any training specific to this job might count as reasons, though.