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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Huzzah Also apparently this site has "adult content" so I can't browse it on their wifi
  2. Yeah I just hate it.
  3. Should I hand-write it in my own blood or is that going overboard?
  4. Good idea. It's a national company and the phone interview is with a recruiter that oversees an entire region and according to her LinkedIn she's in New York. I'd better start heading over there.
  5. Possibly two been playing phone tag with someone so hopefully I can finally reach her tomorrow. Yay.
  6. All CBS sitcoms are terrible. Doesn't stop them from getting renewed multiple times.
  7. When are you going to get "fired" from this "job? I'm surprised you've kept this up for so long. If it really went "all over" your pants you would reek of booze and the cologne would just make you smell like booze AND (what I'm guessing is) cheap cologne.
  8. I'll delete ur existence
  9. No one goes to Toledo by choice.
  10. Tuck Foledo.
  11. It's already begun. See the ever so slight bump right there at the end? https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&q=last%20christmas I fucking love Christmas, the Christmas season, and winter in general. I say bring it on.
  12. How much did you have to wipe, on a scale of Ghost Poop to Wiping the Tip of a Marker?
  13. Um it can't be fake it's a "reality" show. Real is in the name they can't lie about it being real.
  14. Not my choice though, they called me an hour before my shift was supposed to end to tell me I have to stay
  15. I caved and turned the heat on for a bit yesterday because it was 61 inside. Just set it to 68 and let it run until it got to that point then switched it off.
  16. I knew it was him that loosened the fuse
  17. Never mind the fuse was just a bit loose <_<
  18. Furnace didn't kick on. Guess it's a good thing I didn't wait until it got really cold.
  19. Not quite but same basic thing.
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