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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. ...Half a fucking hour before my shift was supposed to end. Fuck this place seriously. The fact that I need money is literally the only thing keeping me from just quitting.
  2. This. Stupid "protest votes" or joke votes like this don't do shit.
  3. Howdy y'all
  4. Tell me about it. I'm still stuck here 40 more minutes. Time just drags so bad. And my shift is probably the most "active" of the three and it's still so boring.
  5. I'm 1/32nd Native American
  6. Let's trade jobs u can be bored af all the time at my job.
  7. Whoop dee doo
  8. Could be an automatic thing based on how the website is categorized. I tried to get on here over a hospitals wifi once a few weeks ago and it was blocked for "adult content".
  9. Thnx
  10. Good.
  11. Unfortunately no
  12. Me irl
  13. Can u guys give me $5000 each so I can quit my job.
  14. RIP in peace, me
  15. But then should I still give a full 2 weeks notice? Or is one week good enough? <_< Since the schedule is already made for the month anyway I don't know how much difference it makes.
  16. Well I work at a residential facility so someone always needs to be there. My coworkers would definitely notice really quick and would probably say something. Or even if they didn't the main office would eventually call down looking for me just to ask if I wanted to work third shift or something. My coworkers would say they don't know where I am or something, and I'd eventually be found out. Also technically they are watching there are cameras. Supposed to be there just to look back when incidents happen but they'd definitely be able to look at them and see me clock in and leave.
  17. What do u mean. They would know if I didn't come in even though I'm on the schedule >_>
  18. Go to bed Gordon is worried about u
  19. I care about my direct supervisor and that's about it. But I'm not really working directly with him much anymore since I've been getting bumped from my usual work area a lot lately.
  20. It's hourly so I have to clock in and out. Though I am kind of curious how much I could no call/no show before they stop calling to see where I am. Not that I would do that, that would be a bit too shitty since they'd have me on the schedule for the day and would have to scramble to find coverage. I mean I'd still try to give like, one week notice. Like say I get an offer for a new job on a Monday. I'd say Friday that week would be my last day. Schedules are done a month in advance anyway and there's no way I'm giving that much notice. They have extra people at this point anyway.
  21. I really doubt they're gonna care too much people quit all the time.
  22. They're kind of assholes here too tbh
  23. I mean, they have extra staff right now so idk how much of a problem it would be scheduling wise. I suppose it's best to be professional though.
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