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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I mean I kind of have to I can't even fuck the pain away because Kidney is usually getting ready for bed by the time I get home. Today he was in bed already but not asleep but he still only said like 2 words to me and didn't want to get out of bed.
  2. But like I've only been here 8 months.
  3. Lucky u
  4. I'm like 4 or 5 months into a 12 month lease, and I really don't want to move any time soon. I've considered temp agencies but they all seem to pay rather low.
  5. It's never been this hard for me to get a job. Only took like 25 applications for my first job out of college and my current job. Currently at over 100.
  6. That's what I'm hoping for.
  7. Can't afford to move or go back to school right now. I've been trying to find a new job for awhile now. Thank you.
  8. I've been trying. 20 applications a week for the past 5 or 6 weeks.
  9. That certainly is interesting.
  10. I know people are mostly joking <_< How long did it take u to find something once you started looking.
  11. I can be one of his elves I'm about the right height.
  12. Idk I started to feel this same way in my last job, too, though not quite as bad because I at least had a work/life balance with that job.
  13. I hope so, too.
  14. Let's start our own company together we can run it out of ur house
  15. I've been actively searching for a little over a month now and have sent out over 100 applications. No offers yet but decent response in terms of getting interviews.
  16. Is it normal to hate your job so much that it starts affecting your mental health?
  17. Does everyone hate their job? What level of hate is normal and what level is not normal?
  18. I know I bitch about my job a lot and probably annoy the shit out of everyone but I'm legit starting to worry that I'm not far from having a mental breakdown if I have to stay in my job much longer. Working weekends and holidays sucks. Working until 10pm every day sucks. So many of my coworkers are petty as hell and while I don't really give a fuck what they think about me it doesn't exactly make working there any easier. My job is also boring as fuck most of the time, like getting paid to do nothing all day sounds great until you realize it's actually really not. I really don't know how much longer I can do it. The fact that I need money is literally the only thing keeping me from just quitting. Like if I were to somehow get enough money to survive comfortably for say, 3 or 4 months, I would quit in a heartbeat because I feel fairly confident that I could find something else that pays decent within that time frame.
  19. Thnx dad
  20. Will u pay my bills with it
  21. But I need to make money with ur plan I lose money.
  22. But I want to die I have to be at this place for another hour and then come back again in two days. How about u pay me $2000/month to be ur personal assistant so I can quit my job.
  23. U get to kill me
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