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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. But also be careful if you do decide to try cutting back alcohol can be dangerous to detox from on your own.
  2. Honestly I think third would be better. Could do things before work. With second I never feel like doing anything before and everything is closed after.
  3. I just say I'm looking for something with a better work life balance and more growth opportunities.
  4. I mean I'm on 2nd shift and don't know how long it will be until I can get a chance to move to 1st. Could be awhile, so my hours aren't getting better any time soon. I will always have to work most weekends; everyone here does. Everyone has to work most holidays, as well. My lease isn't up for awhile.
  5. My resume has been getting me enough of a response I think it's just the interviews I'm having trouble with. It's been like 2 months since I've been really actively searching. I've been unhappy in this job for way longer but until 2 months ago I was just kind of casually sending out an application here and here.
  6. I've considered doing that but there's two problems: 1. I'd prefer something where I get most weekends and holidays off and don't have to work evenings since that's what I hate most about my job now. That's not always easy to find. And then 2. Having to wonder if I should just leave a gap in my resume or put some shitty job on there.
  7. Google says you still can but only if you have cause and "made the employer aware and gave them sufficient opportunity to correct it". Like the main thing I hate about this job is the shitty hours/days that I have to work but being a residential facility those kinds of hours are inherent to the job. Can't really do anything about it.
  8. I couldn't survive for long. I don't have much in savings and while my parents may be willing to help a little bit, I doubt they'd be willing to pay 100% of my expenses while I looked for a job, especially after quitting one voluntarily.
  9. I mean, "good idea" is a bit of a stretch. Like my mental health is important but it's not like I feel the need to check myself into the nearest psych ward right now.
  10. I don't think I could ever see myself working at this location again. Too much petty shit, even among the administrative staff. It's for the state department of DD though, which I could see myself working for again somewhere else.
  11. Once I get another offer I plan on trying to start ASAP. Like if I get an offer on a Wednesday I'll tell them I can start that following Monday and tell my job Friday will be my last day. Schedules are made a month in advance anyway so I don't see the difference in giving 2 weeks vs 2 days. I know it's bad but this job is so bad for my mental health right now.
  12. No need to be ashamed for leaving early. Yeah too bad I work the whole weekend this week. But I do have Monday-Wednesday off next week. When I first got my schedule and saw I had three days in a row off I thought I might try to come in on one of my off days. Now the idea of doing that makes me sick. It's amazing how much my job satisfaction has gone down in the course of a month.
  13. If I don't have Christmas off at my job, I'll just quit the Friday before, even if I don't have anything else lined up by then. This job is driving me insane and I don't know how much longer I can keep doing it. I don't even know if I can make it TO Christmas, let alone work all through it. Everyone please tell me this is a bad idea I'm the kind of person who, once I get an idea into my mind, have trouble letting go of it even if I know it's a bad idea.
  14. Let's do it
  15. Let's do it I have an extra kidney
  16. Hooray
  17. But I need money
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