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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Oops I mean work I always confuse the two. Why can't banks just give people loans for no reason like all I need is around 5k I feel like I could make that last long enough for me to find another job. And I really should try to go in a bit early tomorrow because I could use a few overtime hours. But I really don't want to. At all. I don't even want to go in for my scheduled shift let alone go in early. Plz help
  2. I totally trust financial advice from someone who says "youre not really in debt until you cant pay for it and you default on the loan"
  3. I did after I posted <_<
  4. Want to make it an even $100,000 and send 50k my way? I'll quit my job and stop making 50 threads a day about hating my job.
  5. I agree. Do u like my new rank.
  6. Sorry Gordon was trying to make you some toast
  7. So I was able to go after all. Interview went okay. Not my best but not my worst. Pay would be kinda shit tho. They said it starts at 24k a year (salaried) but I may be able to get a little more since I have experience in the field. Plus I could get an extra $15/hr if I choose to work breaks (It's in a school setting. Think where Zeni supposedly works. It's like that). Would still probably be a bit lower than I need. But if they call me in for a second round interview I'll probably go.
  8. Not quite that bad. Once you clock out here you have no obligation to come in. They may call you to see if you want to come in but you don't have to answer and don't have to say yes if they don't have any availability in the area you want to work. If you're on the clock though it's fair game as long as you don't go over 16 hours in a day. I've been mandated and had to actually stay before when they called me half an hour before my shift was supposed to end.
  9. No way they'd know. I work non-traditional hours so I can easily interview on off days or before work so I don't know how they'd even really suspect, other than just knowing there's high turnover in general. Nah they do this shit to everyone. One of my coworkers once got told he had to stay for 3rd shift, then told he didn't, then told never mind yes you need to stay. Things were really bad back in July and August to the point that I'd be pulling 50-55 hour weeks on a regular basis, it's been better lately now that they have more staff
  10. Yeah like I'm glad I didn't have to work 3rd and that I got paid to dick around on my phone a bit longer but I would have rather left at 9:30 instead of 10:18
  11. So apparently I'm not mandated and I'm not on the breakdown for third shift and they have coverage but I can't leave just yet for some reason.
  12. I feel bad for the people who have kids. Hopefully something comes along soon.
  13. Find a better job? Wowie I never thought of that thank you so much.
  14. I work at a 24/7 facility so someone always needs to be here. If they don't have the volunteers, they have to mandate people starting with the least senior people. But yeah they could find a better fucking way to do it.
  15. I hope so too. Had a great interview on Friday but they decided to go with someone more qualified. But they did say they may have another similar position coming open soon that I'd be more qualified for. We'll see if that goes anywhere.
  16. It's so inconsistent too. One day there will be 0 overtime and even tons of extra people on a shift. Then the next boom 40+ combined hours of overtime. Legally yes but then my employer would be within their rights to terminate me.
  17. I mean I literally have enough in savings to last me one month before I'm homeless so that's not an option. Been trying hard to find a new job but no offers yet.
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