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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. But why it's literally like 5 minutes of work to put it in the washer then u just sit around and do whatever for half an hour then 5 more minutes to load the dryer then another half hour of nothing. Putting it away can be annoying but actually washing is like the easiest chore ever.
  2. Doesn't pay enough also part of the enjoyment is that I actually get to live in the newly cleaned area.
  3. Like seriously I actually love doing my laundry. Seeing the huge pile of dirty clothes in my basket become empty and my empty drawers and closet become full of clean clothes again. There's just something about it that I love. What's wrong with me
  4. I'm waiting on one more and I haven't worked there since February but it's a small company.
  5. I still need one more that will be coming by mail.
  6. Got my W-2 for my current job online and entered it into TurboTax and went up to $593 federal return and $229 state return. $$$$$
  7. Excuse me it's mine
  8. Neither do I and I always get money back ur just weird
  9. Who even has 8 friends to begin with
  10. I think that's about what I got last year. Not sure how much I'll get this year.
  11. Me 2 Not sure when I'll get mine. Tried to see if the one from my current job is ready but I got an error so I'm guessing it's not. My last job should be mailing it soon hopefully it gets forwarded because I moved.
  12. Gotta fix those W-4's
  13. I mean that's not too much different than any other day I just don't have to worry about a supervisor seeing me.
  14. Not sure why usually when clients go to the hospital you only have to stay with them if they're in the ER and can leave if/when they get a room and this guy has a room. Fun stuff. At least I can use my phone without worrying about getting written up.
  15. I always get money back is ur employer not taking the correct amount out or something?
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