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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. By myself Aw yeah
  2. What did u make and what was wrong with it I'm not bad at cooking let me help u
  3. Like regular burritos or Chipotle sized
  4. I agree
  5. If me and my coworker can split a small McDonalds french fry and cheeseburger u can split ur ramen goddammit
  6. Wanna split it
  7. I ate half a frozen pizza and some chicken nuggets
  8. I was stuck at the hospital didn't have a chance finally home
  9. I guess
  10. All I've had to eat today is a bagel and half a McDonald's cheeseburger and small fry. Had to go to the hospital for a client and he had bought McDonald's right before he had to go but they weren't sure if he was gonna need surgery so he was NPO. Me and the other girl that were there for him were starving so we split the food <_<
  11. I really got into board games in college there are so many out there that I hadn't even heard of before but I love now.
  12. Build trains. Screw over ur friends who are trying to build trains on the same routes.
  13. Monopoly is so boring tho I don't hate it but there are so many better games
  14. Board games are great and when u come over Quackers and I will play every game we have with u.
  15. That's OK ppl are allowed to like bad games I just silently judge them for it
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