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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Yay. First one I've had in awhile. Pays a bit better than I make now and I think it's on a more traditional schedule. Seems pretty similar to my last job so I'd have some experience but not sure how much I'd actually enjoy the work. We'll see how it goes.
  2. Blood pressure was good. Did blood work and that was all good
  3. I don't rly get heartburn that bad but my dentist said my teeth show signs of acid reflux
  4. Well it could have just said something
  5. Stressed kinda but I don't feel like it's more than anyone else Sleep is good 2-3 cups of coffee a day is all Never been formally diagnosed with anxiety but have basically diagnosed myself with it
  6. The fuck kinda name is Beryl I say Gordon is gonna fuck shit up cause I know a Gordon and he's a lil punk.
  7. It was rly good
  8. I have chronic back pain but usually just a minor, dull ache that kind of persists. This was a sudden, sharp pain. Never had anything like this before.
  9. No idea. Wasn't even anything heavy just some old pop cans.
  10. Seems like it would be. Other places I've been to you hand the cup to someone when you're done.
  11. Can that make your urine brown?
  12. Bent down to pick something off the floor so I could vacuum and threw out my lower back. It hurts to move.
  13. As part of a routine physical. They had me put the cup in a little box after I finished. There were some samples of the previous people still in there, with names and birth dates clearly visible. Seems like a HIPAA violation. One of the people seems to be very dehydrated.
  14. Me 2 my fiance doesn't really like them so I don't see them that much anymore but this one looks so good I just have to see it
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