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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. I will watch it but im skeptical on it so far season 8 9 and 10 are supposed to be 8 episodes only
  2. season 8 (dreamland) so from the trailer it looks like it will take place in an earlier time period ww1/2 era? either will be a rebooting of archer kinda in a more retelling way than archer starting at isis to vice to detective way or it will be in archers mind since the events of season 7 posting this here since other parts of the board are still dead and or to slow
  3. Its 2017 now who hasnt seen that I know it was posted in the old ib at least 3 times in a 5 year span
  4. sounds like a personal problem
  5. its about time really sadly its gona get a lot of negative reviews right out of the gate with so many delays and push backs the smallest things people will jump all over them
  6. did you get ever to work with dimethymercury? or methymercury?
  7. Pretty much around the time they canceled it so expect the same treatment for regular show when it ends this month and adventure time when it ends next year
  8. was a good show
  9. youre making me wana hang out with you
  10. shut up green meg
  11. most of them are warped or have a counter weight issue
  12. I guess it made sense the boards dying most boards are dead/dying plus [as] cared way more about twitter and facebook but really never cared about fan opinions anyway
  13. well we got Russian christmas and some other shit is going on somewhere and soon valentines day
  14. If you dont own a stick id suggest getting your own i play easily x2 better with my own 19oz stick compared to a 19oz house stick
  15. I literally play 3 times a week Im above average i play in a small league where calling shots and table scratches are enforced
  16. dont tell me what to do
  17. I hope you just die... like by stabbing or shot in the face
  18. Moral orel could still have story added into since the last episode was essentially just a time lapse
  19. [as] also backed out on season 5 of metaloclypse
  20. I got your work right here
  21. I think it wouldve done better in todays time than its first airing
  22. lets leave that one forgotten
  23. i like both seasons of rick and morty i liked frisky dingo a lot but i feel like archer is just a better show
  24. i always wanted more moral and lucy not more frankenhole
  25. Zenigundam[/member] youre literal human trash stfu forever
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