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Everything posted by KH868

  1. KH868

    I caved

    He still touches himself to my piccs
  2. KH868

    I caved

    jesus no
  3. With a small loan of a million dollars I can do anything!
  4. KH868

    I caved

    I think I was mostly hatted, couldn't seem to get that 100% I craved.
  5. I'm to egotistical to let anyone improve me as a person. I am fine just the dumpsterfire way i am.
  6. I need to troll more than 4 people a day. I have needs.
  7. I say we avoid cesspools as best we can, IE: 4chan, reddit, tumblr. Just my opinion.
  8. Thanks for my daily dose of cringe all in one serving.
  9. well the forced love triangle then square then the whole OH HEY IM A LEZBO at the end really bugged me. Not needed at all, and I like the action and it just really mishandled it.
  10. Reeeeee he will not divide us. Also pretty pushy on the assumption I believe in make believe sky man putting me in pretend fire place.
  11. Korra was trash honestly. Though some of the concepts: Chi blockers, Metal bender society, and combo bending. Where amazing the show as a whole was not good.
  12. KH868

    I caved

    I think I only had like 25k posts back when I was active and someone you fucks recall who I am.
  13. I am legit looking forward to it. I hope its not ass.
  14. KH868

    I caved

    Fuck, ya got me.
  15. So we had bumps on ASMB and that's what got me into the boards. This place has a few semi actives and I want to brainstorm a way to bring in a new era of shit posting. So if you have any forums from other sites maybe we should recruit?
  16. Mine is reporting them the ICE and watching them be tore away from their anchor babies.
  17. I hope that's legal where you are from.
  18. KH868

    I caved

  19. KH868

    I caved

    You don't know me. I am a shit.
  20. Wild pussy best pussy.
  21. "Legal aged" Makes me wonder previous experiences.
  22. KH868


    I eat that.
  23. I'm reading the wheel of time series. It's a fantasy novel and its pretty good.
  24. Do just enough to not die
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