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Everything posted by KH868

  1. KH868

    I caved

    Unless it's for and STD or and pregnancy.
  2. KH868

    I caved

    I stayed away from this mostly because of my custom and how long I had it. Now I'm just like fuck it lets go
  3. I would inspired to piss on the wall.
  4. KH868

    I caved

    Just a smaller base of peeps.
  5. KH868

    I caved

    No cure.
  6. KH868

    I caved

    Well I posted mostly from 03 on to about 10 and then off and on.
  7. KH868

    I caved

    Well I like to within reason I guess.
  8. KH868

    I caved

    sup dark long time no post
  9. KH868

    I caved

    IDK man I am pretty much human cancer.
  10. So are you heterosexual then?
  11. KH868


    I play semi-pro on ps4 and want more people to play with! I'm no god or anything; just want like minded players to practice with.
  12. KH868

    I caved

    I have missed shit posting and forum culture. So here I am.
  13. Nice b8
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