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Everything posted by DarksidexXx

  1. you are way too easy
  2. some of us have thin skins,
  3. holy fuck that's alot of clcok changing. my clock is on my laprop and PS4. and I guess the old school one that needs a battery, so I'd have to change that if it had a battery, I guess
  4. I'm alright. she's my drinking buddy.
  5. Oh I should do that right now. the only clcok I have that doesn't change itself back is on the stove
  6. out here where I live, Halloween was still lit. I'm drinking the last of my Halloween beer now before I pass out. some teenagers even did some mild chaos in the hallway of my apt building 😀
  7. it's mostly the same thing as it is every year, from what I seen, vampires and stuff
  8. Halloween was successful trick or treaters came to me and I gave them candy. they were mostly teenagers
  9. Well it's better than the last ghostbuster movie.
  10. me in my neighbor's apartment
  11. just take the complement and run with it before I start being a smartass again
  12. Knick it off. Shadow is very spoiled
  13. I don't hate them. the fact that you think I do tells. me how stupid and brainwashed you are. I myself Ihave more in common with them than you do.
  14. no, but I will.
  15. eventho I hate you, when you're funny or right, I admit it.
  16. listen you can hate on me all you want. Just know I don't abuse Shadow in any way, she is like a God to me. when she dies, I will commit suicide. so be happy will live as long as she does.
  17. those are some funny convos. I should recored them and make more money than stand up. she's a real bitch I gave a dozen motherfuckers my phone number and she's the only one to call me.
  18. she says "meow" back to you. she knows you are good.
  19. She's my owner, not the other way around
  20. I also
  21. Shadow said "meow" IDK if that means "hello" or GET THE FUCKING CAN OF FOOD OPEN it can go either way
  22. she's not all hung up on stupid politcs like you are. she could give a fuck less, like me
  23. Thank you. she's my owner not the other way around!
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