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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Lasty

    I'm sick.

  2. I should has gas station job here soon. Monies get!
  3. ;3
  4. Well, which one would you rather play? >_> Holy shet... maybe I was playing it wrong?
  5. Lasty

    I'm sick.

    What? No. I don't have rabies, I'm just tired af and my nose is runny and if I move my eyeballs in their sockets it gives me a mild headaches.
  6. I swear to glob the version I played is where you are the disease.... o_O
  7. You're playing as the disease, right? So, no. Humans blow and we want to kill them off in this game.
  8. fixed
  9. That country never gets infected, I swear.
  10. Lasty

    I'm sick.

    I have to move, but I really don't want to. I want to fall asleep here in the library, but I can't. I need a hot cup of tea and a looong nap. x__x
  11. hmmm >____>
  12. Yeah. Madagascar is a little bitch.
  13. Pretty shitty, but also sorta neat?
  14. My leader is a microwave.
  15. Don't be sorry, be silly. Sorry is a lame board game!
  16. I dunno, I'm not a psychiatrist! *__*
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