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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. I don't have a god to have hate me.
  2. Fuck that. We will get regular snow tomorrow for a bit but then the weather will get better. Stay warm!
  3. We got dropped off from a concert. I wasn't making him drive me even further because it was 3:30am and the winds got real high. If all else fails. I'll just crash here another night cuz it should be better for driving by morning.
  4. Duuuude. I wish. I got through the ice and ice on the car in 20 minutes but then there was no leaving in the end.
  5. It's not black ice. It was sleeting for 13 hours. So it's all stacked up for inches like snow but its all ice pellets. I can't even pull out onto the road without getting stuck so I hunkered down til they clear the roads. We did walk up to the store tho.
  6. I did not die. We left at 2am right when the ice hit. So we basically did 40mph in a 75 the whole way home. It's still dropping ice out there tho. Not sure if or when I'll make it home from my friends. I will go the two straight blocks to the gas station tho.
  7. You scared?
  8. Such bullshit.
  9. play in the mud???
  10. now this sounds crazy to me... not a fan of dry heat
  11. get yer kayaks out!
  12. i mean.... you're not wrong.
  13. still okay with it.... cept the storms if they are the level of natural disaster. i'll even take the mosquito bites because i'm more likely to catch a disease than an itchy bump from one.
  14. you don't know this about me... but i prefer the humidity. i sincerely love the thick wet air. would be better at 80 degrees but i'm all for this trade.
  15. i'll take your rain if it comes with higher temps. for trade, you can have our random sunny saturdays with 30 degree temps.
  16. tornadoes don't ever touch down where i'm at, so i'll have to agree. i would probably freak out. still don't like my travel prospects for tonight. also, i looked it up and it says tornadoes. i don't like the way that looks either.
  17. jesus fuck APRIL! get your god damn shit together. anyone else experiencing the worst spring ever??? If you don't hear from me in the weeks to come, i died going to or coming back from the concert tonight.
  18. Feels girl.... all the feels. In fact, that is unfortunately when I decide to somehow be an artist. Waste.
  19. Overly tired and gross feeling. Had two glasses of wine and was in bed by 1:00, wtf???
  20. Well i..... yes. Yes I would.
  21. At least it wasn't taco bell x_x
  22. Where does the snake half end?
  23. I do that too. Also when I'm just dropping something. If I'm dating someone, I'll take their hand and sort of bite/scrape their finger tips (... like the ridges of their finger print) across the edges of my teeth. It makes a strange muted sound and is kind of relaxing to me.
  24. Are you some sort of extremely large snake or something?
  25. depends really. strictly ordering someone around or telling them what they can and can't do is no bueno, but your partner should be helping you stay accountable with reminders that you need to get something done. sometimes, that can sound a whole lot like telling someone what to do but its for the best.
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