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Everything posted by IKMongo

  1. Commiefornia
  2. I am on someone's hit list for sure lol. But I applied for my concealed carry permit 2 years ago. I am still waiting for my interview for it.
  3. I've been on a waiting list for a CCW for 2 years....
  4. Work in progress
  5. I went to a Holocaust Museum in LA, it was super educational....and super depressing. I want to check out the museum of death next. I hear that one is pretty crazy.
  6. The tri tips i usually smoke for about 4 hours with a 1 hour rest. Those briskets were done for 10 hours. I am currently 5 hours into a 12 hour brisket. I will post pictures when its done. I am trying out a new rub i made and trying my hand at burnt ends
  7. So I have apparently been added to a British Charity Events email thread. Every now and then I get a new email update about a new event looking for volunteers. This weeks event is a Dog Show! I'm sad I can't volunteer Last month's Bingo Charity event was apparently a huge success. Glad I could be apart of it in spirit. Can't wait to hear about the next event!
  8. If you own cats then you know which way to put it
  9. I got one friend where everytime he gets drunk he will fight someone....
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