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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. It's all ogre now
  2. That_One_Guy


    pizza rolls
  3. That_One_Guy


  4. That_One_Guy


    oh ok sure lets go
  5. That_One_Guy


    .... Financial purposes? I have like no money
  6. That_One_Guy


    Marry me?
  7. See him plug his Clipenis into that poor lamp
  8. Lol I've never heard that story, but thats the most random shit ever. The lamp thing....like why lol I don't get it.
  9. Idk if he supports Trump but he's definitely failing lol
  10. Lol I didn't need to. He's not my type at all
  11. That sounds fucking splendid!
  12. Lol idk enough about that dude but he's a very strange person with mental problems so if that's what Eric Andre is I guess yes? lol
  13. among other things
  14. Anytime I see him I immediately want to leave. he hits me up on FB randomly wanting to get coffee. I'm a 26 year old man. I'm not going to drive anywhere to have coffee with anyone unless I get to fuck.
  15. I've posted about him before. The goofy fuck that danced on tables and insulted the only female audience members got himself banned from another mic. This time he almost burnt a woman with a cigarette, got water poured on his head, and fake dialed 911. He also harassed the owners. Sad part is he's like 35. Fucking comedy man.
  16. I wear stupid amounts of deoderant and it never works. I only sweat from my armpits. I'm really gross, but the black shirts hide my nastiness like the most bitter parts of my soul.
  17. Fun fact I always wear black on stage because my fucking armpits sweat and it's disgusting
  18. Probably the happiest I've ever looked on stage
  19. Damn you are skinny
  20. Height?
  21. just eat bro
  22. Oh this is kind of awkward but I'm not the guy in the video I'm so sad to say those aren't in fact my cat eyes lmao! I didn't know you can just do a panel for a con tho. I'd love to do that as I am a huge nerd, but only for video games. Like if I could commentate GDQ that would be my dream job
  23. A show in dat ass 😎
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