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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Club Cafe November 9th, 10:30 Come see us $5 bukkakes
  2. His pic is in the thread somewhere. I've taken like two pics with him in it.
  3. He was cocky when we started then I started whooping that ass and he got mad af lol He was like "THIS DUDE IS TRASH" (Talking about Patrick Mahomes after he threw an interception) I beat him once and he begged me to run it back so I did. He got washed. Then he got washed to more times. By the end of the night he was cool and all that energy he had was long gone lol
  4. Saying he was gonna destroy me. And once again I served up some Ls. Whooped his ass twice in NCAA and twice in Madden 20. Then we played UFC 3 and I whooped his ass like 50 times. Shit ain't sweet out here and I'll be serving these Ls until mfs learn 💪
  5. That's like sheetz right?
  6. Yeah pretty much. Can't sleep naked. Worried about my peen
  7. Dope. Pay for dinner first
  8. Lol wtf 😂
  9. Ew dafuq were you cooking in bed for
  10. Lol gotta figure out how to word it
  11. I'm in the hood 💪
  12. Not gonna lie it left a light patch
  13. Also when I first wake up, and it's cold in the house, I'll run a hot shower while I shit so I'm warm. When I was in hs we had this big ass vent that would blow warm air in the morning. I would use it to warm my naked ass after I'd shower. Well one morning I was really tired, I got too close, and burned the everloving shit out of my dick. The metal was so hot it left a wicked red mark. Shit hurt. This is all useless information. Ignore it.
  14. Yo the Jets are tier 1 trash
  15. My saints fucked! Teddy got to play. Teddy is a decent QB. You haters can eat dick.
  16. This post is so fucking true
  17. No future in being a company man
  18. I went to this old mental hospital where they do tours. Forget the name but it's like a big attraction. Good for you tho man. Fuck that stupid ass job
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