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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Why even fuck with that clown? Sounds like he doesn't deserve your time and he's manipulating/abusing you.
  2. cool i'm actually curious lol
  3. uhhh fuck yes lol
  4. Didn't he treat you like shit?
  5. going through some shit?
  6. where ya goin?
  7. nah you're cool dude
  8. Damn son. You better get on that shit
  9. You can't pay it online?
  10. i live in such a big hockey town. It seems like a dope game. Might give it a shot
  11. Nice list!
  12. I soooooo cant afford a gaming PC. I'm so poor that will literally never be an option. I've heard lots of good things about The Outer Worlds. Will definitely look up Death Stranding
  13. whats this new meme? I cant even
  14. that actually sounds fun. Weights?
  15. tf is that?
  16. Chores are 🗑️
  17. That's awesome man. Same here I've been sleeping. I'm probably just gonna watch football and play uncharted.
  18. anybody wasted?
  19. Sounds like you work pretty hard tho. I couldn't do your job tbh. It sounds stressful. Props to you for being a productive member of society.
  20. He's like 77. Honestly he's not a bad dude. Just really really out of touch.
  21. Damn! You're hustling. I respect that
  22. Office job?
  23. Was good?
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