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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Normally I would post this in the games section, but I'm leaving soon and I need quick responses. I have a little extra money for video games (which never happens) can any of you recommend me a dope NES game?
  2. Probably just a hernia but you're doing the right thing getting it checked out
  3. 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
  4. I hate myself for making this thread
  5. I just want to know where the relationship went wrong
  6. I think this thread was a bad idea
  7. I go to a 24 hour gym in a rough neighborhood. Sometimes I hear people screaming at each other when I'm walking in. Well I heard a couple fighting and the dude screamed "Bitch! I'll show you how I fuck a cat!" I don't know if I should call the cops or animal control.
  8. Lol nah I'm talking about Ryan Anderson that plays for the redskins. Here's the piss story: We had this kid named Hunter who was only on the team to ride the bench. This dude faked injuries all the time so he never had to work out/practice. In hindsight he just liked walking around school wearing his jersey. He wanted the status of a football player lol. Anyways, this Hunter kid spent all day goofing off whenever we were in the weight room, practicing, and even during games. He liked to pull little pranks and just enjoyed being an overall nuisance. Its a Friday night and we were in the middle of a tough game. Everyone was giving it their all. So nobody noticed when Hunter snuck a Gatorade bottle into the locker room and pissed in it. He was trying to get some other kid to drink it, but somehow Ryan ended up drinking it and he. Was. Pissed. I saw him do it, and the look on his face was a mixture of disgust and rage. Word immediately got to him that Hunter pissed in the bottle, and Hunter got in his Toyota toy truck and hightailed it home. The next day we were all sure Ryan was gonna kill the kid. On the way to the field house everyone was dead silent. Lmao we were all scared for him, but he honestly had it coming. Finally Ryan corners Hunter in the locker room and Hunter looked like a terrified trapped animal. Ryan made Hunter give him $100 right there in front of everyone, and spared him what would have surely been a sensational ass beating lol. I'm pretty sure Hunter quit the team not long after that.
  9. Also! I have a story about Ryan accidentally drinking piss if anyone is interested.
  10. CJ and Ryan were cool. Ryan was one of the hardest working most humble guys I ever met. Dude was a straight up beast. He hit me so hard at practice once my helmet was knocked sideways. TJ was an all natural talent. Just a phenomenal athlete. No work ethic tho. He half assed every chance he got, but he was such an athletic freak naturally he got away with it Also played with Micheal pierce. I remember him getting into a big fight his senior year lol Not that anyone asked. My threads are trash.
  11. I remember that dude! Mf wrote a fucking short story on that nasty shit lol
  12. See I'll fight a naked dude idgaf. But I'm dead at him telling you to put pants on so yall can run the one lmao
  13. I'll film it and put it on da hub
  14. Her fat ass was cocky af until someone checked her lol
  15. I mean whats good bb?
  16. Yep if you know how to get around you can easily do 8 a night. Even if you work. There's mics and shows up until like 3 am. They usually start around noon. And as far as Pitt goes it's such a soft ass city it does help you write funny non offensive stuff so it has it's use. I am moving at some point. Havent really figured out where yet. Pittsburgh is a very limited comedy scene. There's only so much you can do here. There's actual cities that cater to comedy like Denver, Chicago, NY, LA, Houston, Atlanta and even Minneapolis. These cities all have multiple legit comedy clubs that put on locals constantly. Pittsburgh has one club and it's almost impossible to get on there unless someone vouches for you. Pittsburgh is honestly a sports town. I wouldn't say I've outgrown it because I still use it to build time, but I see the bigger picture.
  17. Lol come to Pittsburgh you'll see plenty of it. That's why I love going to NY. It's a diverse city and they have that dont give a fuck attitude. It's a much better city to develop in tbh
  18. Nahhhhh not all white people. There are just certain hipsters that will call you racist for telling YOUR story about being a minority. Lol weird aint it?
  19. Lmao go for hit. Don't do it in a hipster room tho. They'll get offended and call you a racist for talking about your own race 🤔
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