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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Anybody watching the national championship?
  2. So I knew this nasty ass dude named Zach back in hs. I played football with him. We called him caveman. He was big and strong as hell, but he was fucking disgusting. I went to his house to hang out once, and I went to sit down in a chair. There was a red blanket draped over the chair. He saw I was about to sit there and he yelled "NO DON'T SIT THERE! THAT'S MY NUT BLANKET!" I noped the fuck out of there. Another time he was involved in a devils foursome (I wasn't involved thank God) and he ate this girl out after three dudes had piped her down. Dudes a freak lol
  3. I feel like there's a fun story behind this
  4. What's the weather like there? I might have a ton of questions because I'm moving there in like a year. Am I really gonna have to live in the barrio because I'm poor, or can i commute to LA from somewhere?
  5. Someone told me that Oklahoma sucks ass too.
  6. I guess that makes sense since I'm moving there next year lol
  7. Wow... The hooha will be very disappointed
  8. I have a theory that Florida is an alternate universe. Like 99% of the people u know from there are batshit crazy.
  9. Damn bro a lot of yall really don't like Ohio
  10. I mean of course there's nothing there but corn and racism mate
  11. I vote Mississippi out of those three due to that one having such a large clan presence
  12. I'm sorry, Did you have a state or did you just want to cry like a little bitch?
  13. Ahhhhh I see. It's political. I'm interested. Care to elucidate further?
  14. If it makes you feel better I actually love Ohio more than PGH. The people there are way nicer to me lol
  15. I hate New Jersey. Everyone there was a dick when I had to stay there last year lol
  16. I feel you on that. Cleveland is decently shitty. Toledo is fucking AIDS. I stayed in a hotel there that had fucking bedbugs
  17. Ty. Why do you hate Calipornia?
  18. I really only mean western PA
  19. Any specific part?
  20. For me it's Pennsylvania. Granted I've only lived in Pittsburgh so I don't really know what Philly is like. But Pittsburgh is so up its own ass it's really obnoxious sometimes. My second least favorite is probably Florida, but fuck my stupid opinion anyway.
  21. You're the pleasurer
  22. I know that's the only thing that keeps me from fully enjoying it. It's possible he lived
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