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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. They'll pipe you down on the low
  2. my heart goes out to you. Thats fucking evil.
  3. Bitch I'll knock you out just so I can touch your ass.
  4. That's horrid. I'm very sorry you experienced that. And I sincerely hope you're able to be who you want now. I'm not proud of being from the south. There are good people there, but there's also a billion dumb ass hicks that need their fucking head kicked in. These kids also think they're country because they have Camo phone covers and Costa sunglasses.
  5. That's some sad shit man. They really just need to massage that prostate and let that shit go
  6. My dad has an unknown number of baby mommas. He has like 4 that I know of. Dumb fuck doesn't know what a rubber is.
  7. I just don't get it. Why give a shit? Why not fuck who you want and just be happy? Lolidkbro
  8. When I was very little (like 7) I'd hear people talk about being gay and how it was wrong. They would say such terrible things. I thought gay meant you were like a crazy evil Satan worshipper or some shit. So finally I asked someone what gay meant, and he told me it was when a man loved another man. I was like "seriously that's it..... I don't get it" Tl;dr? I grew up in south Alabama and there were a lot of bigots.
  9. I'm basically a virgin.
  10. That last boss was a joke. Seriously. Also I figured out why I don't like a lot of square games. It's the grinding you need to do. The repetitive battles you have to auto pilot through just to stand any chance against later bosses. It's really boring to me. With older final fantasy games I think the nostalgia factor holds my interest. Idk maybe turn based attack games aren't my thing. Then again I loved paper Mario.... Idk I'm done with this game. I might play ffx2 never lol
  11. I'll get five views bro
  12. That's all you think about 😢
  13. I mean possibly. They got chocolate chip tho?
  14. Ew no..... I mean... I don't think so..
  15. ....... FOR WHAT?
  16. I'm getting yoohoo and motherfucking cereal.
  17. That kick was ass. This season was boring and predictable.
  18. I don't deny they came back, but you can't deny that if that shit got called the rams would have gone home.
  19. We dominated the first half. Dominated. Their defense ain't shit fr. We just let off the gas. If that PI gets called we win easy.
  20. His name is now r kelly
  21. Also this super bowl is as boring as small cock porn
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