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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Word tf up 😏
  2. Ridiculous cute! RIDICULOUS
  3. Maybe I am overreacting in hindsight, but trust me I can tell by the audio that her kid is right next to her. Shits disgusting man.
  4. He'll give me the sloppy toppy?
  5. Never turn down a good bj Even if it's from an old man. Take what you can get, you ungrateful bitch. Love ya 😍
  7. So what's the deal with cocks amirite?
  8. If you're gonna steal a game steal something good bro.
  9. I'm actually playing batman returns for nes rn and I think it's so much more fun than x. I will be trying x-2. I gotta at least try it. But I'm not playing x ever again, and that's saying something cause I've replayed 8 and 7 repeatedly.
  10. Nahhh I ain't about that life
  11. He told me about it cause he was shocked by it. He said it sounded like her kid was right next to her and he wanted my opinion. And I have no doubt her child is next to her in that video. She doesn't need to have that child.
  12. Nah isn't there a rule against that? Also fuck my grammar. I fucking suck.
  13. My friend was talking to this girl and she randomly sent him a video of her masterbating. In the video you can hear her child crying next to her. This fucking bitch filmed herself masterbating next to her daughter. Her daughter can't be seen in the video but it's easy to tell she's right next to the stupid bitch. Just wondering if there's any action that can be taken or if child protective services can do anything in this case. What she did can't be legal. If you're just gonna troll please save it. I'm only entertaining serious answers.
  14. Lolololol hes lyin
  15. Doesn't mean they didn't play with each others balls 😉
  16. I wonder if they ever played with balls at the same time
  17. He fondles balls like no other
  18. Jason is ugly af And he's lopsided
  19. Your profile pic looks like the dude from married with children from a distance
  20. Bulllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Why tf you lyin
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