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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. I beat your bully hacker ass DOWN!
  2. If "Vegeta Got a Spin Off" IT would better than DB Super and Kai, but people wouldn't emphasize with him if he's not tormented, outranked, and struggling. It would be good for Vegeta, but bad for everyone but Bulma. Vegeta can't be Barack Obama without a LOTTA people throwing poopypants hissy fits, 900,000,000,000,000,000 TIMES OVER AND OVER AGAIN. According to Murphy's Law, It might be more disruptive than the hackerbully melodrama "screaming at uncle" bullshit that's going down now happening now. Even I know this, and I AM VEGETA!
  3. I beat the shit out of my sister.
  4. I don't "DO NOTHING"...
  5. Until Toonami starts at 8 p.m., I'M watching MY CHANNEL. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  6. https://www.mangaupdates.com/search.html You mean this? Could you post some links? I don't see anything here.
  7. Thanks! When I have some spare time I will do just that. Could be now, could be in 3 months. Just sayin'.
  8. http://unevenedge.com/unreadreplies/ HERE?
  9. Judging by the "stream quality" of Southpark game commercial. Southpark don't give a fuck.
  10. I fucking hate you, skipping online directTV Commercials....
  11. I didn't see it for myself, but I knew something like that would happen eventually if you know the kind of racist and bigoted stuff he publishes.
  12. Where can I read good wuxia?
  13. I AM SPEENDACK OF ARABIA . I HAVE MANY BEETCHES AT MAI DISPOSAL I gotta do the right thing, Lebron James. http://www.adultswim.com/videos/simulcast/ There, Now we got no excuse.
  14. they're airing on CN East right now! I know they reruns, but are DB Super discussion threads really this new?
  15. Yes, I'm on the guest list. I get in the club. Allll riiiiight. jk. heh heh. I dunno. Funi dub wasn't all that different from the 4kids dub. I found ANY english dub of One piece to be awful. There hasn't been a good one yet. But you're free to like it. Don't worry, I'm not gonna cause you harm just because we think different. That's for bigots. Still, any anime is better than The Loud Hows and Henry Dayunjerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  16. Oh gad! too quiet. The sound in that ep sucks. Watch this instead. http://www.crunchyroll.com/gunbuster-2/episode-1-please-let-me-call-you-on-sama-685575
  17. I'm here.
  18. Dragon Ball Super Episode 112 – A Saiyan's Vow! Vegeta's Resolution!! http://www.crunchyroll.com/dragon-ball-super/episode-112-a-saiyans-vow-vegetas-resolution-750759 We should really post links to our eps. LINKS EVURBODY LINKS!
  19. http://www.crunchyroll.com/ DUN DUN DUN!!! Just kidding. Works fine now.
  20. Oh, man. You learned em, elfie! Go elfie!! Good job. That's what I like to see. People getting their asses kept in line.
  21. Oh man. Ramsay got his ass handed to him...
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