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About -Ninja_Jesus-

  • Birthday 05/29/1991

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Aristocrat (9/22)



  1. Yep, a little thing that measures radiation levels. Can't be dosed past a certain amount, there's a month quota and a year quota. There are people who have hit the year quota in one sitting, but that rarely happens.
  2. If I grow a third arm it will have been worth it.
  3. I thought what I’d do was, I’d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes.
  4. The whole thing was a farce, Tyson wasn’t gonna be able to knock him out because of the paycheck (which isn’t to say he couldn’t; I believe if he was serious he would’ve gone full offensive round 1 for the knockout), Paul’s a good boxer but his wheelhouse is in creating engaging content and pissing people off. He accomplished both here.
  5. Mine is currently from only people I actually know, and some regular influencers, and they don’t post a lot. I now get cooking ads, hiking stuff and weird gadget solutions for problems specific to other people.
  6. I removed all the titty influencers from my instagram feed, but now all I get are people trying to grift their latest cooking gadget or fake diet regimen. I’d rather have the titties.
  7. I think I’d rather see instagram models selling themselves than another influencer ad trying to sell me useless garbage.
  8. I remember all the cheat codes from SNES MK3. Great game, but I’d take Trilogy over 3 easily.
  9. We need another total party flip. Like when a pillow is too hot or too cold. If the former Democrat party could do it, so can the modern one.
  10. Top five places to secretly fuck on a ship 5. reboiler 4. plenum 3. any anterior space access 2. [REDACTED] 1. Captain's quarters
  11. something something shifting the overton window
  12. I’m not old, you’re old. Ppl think I’m u
  13. I miss the old YIM chats. We all had some fun there. Inuyashaboy05 and his fucking Gloria Estefan.
  14. I'm The Evil Lord of An Intergalactic Empire, aka "I wanna be the villain but my actions are constantly misunderstood and praised as heroic". It's enjoyable.
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