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Everything posted by Cidz

  1. right about what?
  2. but not too exotic for america! #MakeAmericaExotic
  3. finaly a peoples man! hes someone we all need in this world! i say we vote for joe exotic for preseident tomorrow! he has everything both the republicans and democrats could want. hes a gun toting redneck with a sweet mullet who speaks his mind perfs for republicans but hes also gay and an animal person! pers for democrats. its a winwin if we cant have bernie i say we get joe exotic!
  4. apparenty its 32.333 per day but id say its more like 3
  5. does trunks even come by anymore? does he even watch the anime block? did he ever exsist in the first place?
  6. so not a bad forum! pretty nice overall. like the look. the quiz, fanfic, and gallary buttons dont show up. also whenever i go to next page in a thread it takes me to the bottom post, anyway to change that? also what is this fanfic button and how does it work? anyway seems like everything is pretty good so far. just gotta get a bit use to navigating thru this forum lol. oh! i gues i cant customize my font color anymore? its ok pink is a pretty color lol.
  7. yes pls!
  8. first of all, im glad to see more cats on this forum. good job luuv keep up the cats. also like the layout so far, tho idk i barely signed on. will spam this place with more cats test this place out more when i get back from an errand!
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