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Satou Kazuma

Nyan or Nothing
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About Satou Kazuma

  • Birthday 04/28/1984

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Superstar (15/22)



  1. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/adan-manzano-dies-new-orleans-sports-reporter-super-bowl/ Dude knew what he was doing by picking up prostitutes. While I feel sorry for the 2 year old kid he left behind, I do not particularly feel sorry for the dude.
  2. More signs that this new administration is all about being pro-white and predominantly Christians only. Separations of church and state be damned, as a fellow non-christian. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5130103-trump-national-prayer-breakfast-religious-discrimination-task-force-anti-christian-bias/
  3. CIA is next on the list of purges. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/04/politics/cia-workforce-buyouts/index.html
  4. Word on the street is that the Dept of Education is getting the axe after USAID got neutered and folded into the State Dept. https://thehill.com/homenews/education/5125069-department-of-education-trump-musk-doge/
  5. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/03/politics/musk-government-employee/index.html Elon Musk has weaseled his way into getting top secret security clearance.
  6. Trump has finally weaponized the DOJ with all the mass firings in the FBI related to Jan. 6 attempted coup in the name of Trump's "stolen election". https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fbi-agents-on-jan-6-capitol-riot-trump-investigations-to-be-fired-sources-say/ In other news, the EPA is also kaput. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/epa-employees-warned-of-immediate-termination/
  7. I forgotten that's he's already in the Hall of Fame years ago. Mixed up on who's who of the Yankees.
  8. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/mariano-rivera-wife-clara-lawsuit-b2684423.html If this was known knowledge before the Hall of Fame voting, stripped him of HoF status. Hell, he should've been disqualified to be on the ballot.
  9. So between this: https://apnews.com/article/trump-crypto-meme-coin-regulation-c624272aead106ff7ca04419e68949d7 And this: https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-silk-road-f7eb0d48c106ff88a33a2e459a36c583 The cryptobros got what they deserved and pardoning a criminal who's whole schtick was operating a dark web facilitating illegal drugs transactions.
  10. $6 for store brand eggs I got from Target. Supply shortage due to the bird flu going around. And I barely buy eggs on a regular basis.
  11. So January 6 gets sweep under the rug after trump pardoned every single person involved in it through executive order.
  12. So, between trolling on Twitter, the occasional gaming during work hours, following Trump like the second coming of Rasputin, and impregnating women in high positions at his companies, paying gamers to boost his account doesn't faze me at all. For example, his shitty elden ring character build should've rang bells back then that he wasn't a real gamer but a grifter.
  13. So I didn't watch it but from what I've seen on the Internet articles, there was some good matches. Mostly I was checking out the John Cena farewell tour. Also, fuck Hulk Hogan and his pisswater beer and his fairweather fans.
  14. Meanwhile Sam Darnold is having the best time of his life.
  15. Does anybody know how to fix YouTube's stupid problem with watching videos? This issue cropped up for me last Friday. Had minor success of clearing cache only for it to not work again after several days.
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