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Professah Tex

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  1. cool shit at any rate. I couldn't DJ tbh.. I've seen how tough it can be. This is Stoned by the way.. I'm supposed to be editing something prolly, but I came back here thinking there might be something to reply to after I logged out, and locked myself out the account somehow. lemme try again real quick.
  2. Keep with it LB, I've met and vibed with many. Maybe that's why we often understand each other// Even when we don't sometimes.. idk/ cool shit at any rate. I couldn't DJ tnh.. I've seen how tough it can be. This is Stoned by the way.. I'm supposed to be editing something prolly, but I came back here thinking there might be something to reply to after I logged out, and locked myself out the account somehow. lemme try again real quick.
  3. Keep with it. Live shit is always.. not good to share like this imo.. but A "Dj' uggh... sounds like you turned it up. Venue looks cool so you got me. I like. I've met a lot of Dj's from simular backgrounds as you as well. From what I can hear of the mix.. you made I guess? It reverberates well in the venue.
  4. I really love Kings back story, and the sad romance between him, and Dianne.
  5. Also one of my dogs is un-nuetered as well, but the only way he leaves the house by himself is with the company of me or his spayed Alpha mother.. She's always been a bit of a roamer given the chance. .
  6. I need to do that to my cat still to be responsible I guess.
  7. How did you find this? You frequent Sri Lankan television or someone made an epic fail compilation out of the whole series?
  8. Man I do like cranberries honestly. I don't know about a cranberry muffin though. Blueberries have been a part of my muffins for years..
  9. Blueberry muffin is best muffin, and not just a muffin.. It's a way of life/
  10. Nevermind.. a quick google search answers the question I guess. I just wouldn't be surprised if there were people actually going around claiming to see these in the sewers today with all the fake videos surrounding cryptids. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Chud
  11. "Real myth" is a bit of an oxymoron I know. I meant was it based on actual superstitions.. (I havent watched the movie and was wondering if it was a cryptid type thing)
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