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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Is your car insurance company raking you? https://www.kamloopsthisweek.com/news/getting-raked-over-auto-insurance-rates-1.23801707 High premiums for not enough coverage? You're a rube.
  2. Google only shows what it wants you to see.
  3. It defines a con job, not a con man.
  4. Google algorithms not being tuned in to a particular thing does not make the thing non existent.
  5. Seems the Google algorithms aren't tuned into it. They only show what's popular.
  6. And you still didn't know the term until just now.
  7. Yeah, well... You probably never heard the term, "diddling" either until you read that.
  8. The whole article is about why people like books about con games... Rakes
  9. The phone has been in my pocket all day. No ring.
  10. I'll wait for it to ring. Probably the pharmacy calling.
  11. So? It still doesn't fit the article's context.
  12. It had a lot of brand name toys, but more importantly, a lot of custom designed toys that couldn't be bought anyplace else. Wooden boats powered by recycled Victrola mechanisms, for example.
  13. Dashing through the snow... Seems a bit non sequitur in the context of the article.
  14. "Rakish" isn't used.
  15. No, the toy store chain. Taber's Toy Land.
  16. And he succeeded in getting it.
  17. Or in this particular case, "rake" job. No use of "rakish" in the article.
  18. So? Does that mean he's going to stay down and stop trying?
  19. "Americans love a good rake." Close to the eighth paragraph https://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/06/books/making-books-a-con-artist-s-criminal-charm.html
  20. Taber's was better, anyway. You didn't miss much from Toys R Us.
  21. Aren't guns in the schools supposed to be a problem? There they are, at least two guns... at a school. No mass shooting. Guns don't cause violence where human intent is absent.
  22. https://www.thelocal.es/20130620/military-conman-faces-last-salute third paragraph
  23. So, did anyone get shot?
  24. No, you can get raked by swindler as well.
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