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About Zenigundam

  • Birthday 05/26/1990

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Monster Mutant

Monster Mutant (22/22)



  1. There they go again! Those giggle chills... Those god damn giggle chills. 17, legal, and needing a prom daaaaaaate. 👫🏋❤
  2. What would she be like? *looks up longingly at the summer night sky, hair gently rustling in the wind*
  3. Just isn't the same without Lucifer. Where he at?
  4. I thought it'd be 9 quality at the very least because of how long it'd been between releases and the fact that it was developed as a Switch exclusive.
  5. Read the review early this morning Skip unless you have $63 to burn and get Fire Emblem: Three Houses, but wait for the review first. Must be 9+ out of 10
  6. on YouTube that says, "remember to keep comments respectful and to stay within the community guidelines". What's that all about? Can you check if you got it too? I think it's just being sent to every YouTube user in general.
  7. Lol, Super Mario Bros. 3 is cool and all, but if you collect enough extra lives, it's easy to beat without the warp zones.
  8. She's like the Tom from MySpace on OkCupid, except she's a 35 year old married woman, but I see her logged in a lot.
  9. Ric convinced me to get Super Mario Maker 2, but I lost some money gambling so I have to choose between SMM2 and Ultimate Alliance 3 and then there's Fire Emblem.
  10. to be a homewrecker and get Alice from OkCupid to cheat on her husband? 💪🤵🚗
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