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  1. Still waiting to be cleared on my background check, and I called my mom to see how she’s doing and tell her about my job. She talks about herself for literally two hours while I sit in silence. When I broke in to tell her something, she suddenly needed to go. But first she made a crack about how us kids keep calling her and keeping her on the phone for hours so she can’t get anything done. It’s slowly dawning on me in recent years that my mother is a narcissist.
  2. Thank you, but he is the awesome one, I just followed his lead.
  3. Still no answer. I’m getting sick of this.
  4. Ok, three interviews, 2 “corporate games” and and what basically amounts to an IQ test…Do I have the fucking job or not?
  5. One of my kids started HRT about ten years ago and has been on T ever since. He is doing incredibly well and is very happy and just got married. I wish you the best ♥️
  6. There is little I hate as much as yard work. The weeds just never stop. One of the main reasons I bought this house was the lack of trees, and thus the lack of leaves and sticks and acorns and other crap to pick up. My last house had 34 trees in the yard, and it was a nightmare. But here I am with weeds growing in the flower bed again, and if I don’t get them out the HOA will be calling. I wish I could garden virtually like I do everything else.
  7. Don’t you see commercials on YouTube and shit? I feel like I see a hundred a day.
  8. About 6-7 years ago I had an ultra traumatic experience. The epic kind that divides your life into before and after and changes you as a person. It amazes me when I encounter a person from the past that I had petty disagreements with, because I don’t have it in me to care anymore. When I see that they still have this need to keep the pettiness going, I realize that I have moved forward with my life against the odds, and they are still stuck in the same miserable place they were in way back then. I should pity them, but I don’t. Because I just don’t care.
  9. I hate this day. Dealing with the IRS for hours, working on my resume and a work project. Take a break to go get a coffee, almost have an accident. Come home and get back to work only to have my dog steal my coffee and drink it. the fucking department of revenue says I made a mistake on my taxes, which has never happened to me before. They were unable to tell me what that mistake was. All they could tell me was that they confiscated my tax return to pay what I owed them. What the literal fuck? I have NEVER owed taxes before. stupid day is stupid.
  10. Happy Sunday Morning, folks. It’s a beautiful day outside!
  11. It was the law of equivalent exchange with each word linking to something I cared about? Though I do now remember what any of those things were.
  12. Haha. Effing phone and autocorrect. Maybe he is psychic. That would add a whole new dimension to things 😂
  13. The wildcard factor is the scary one. Putin is not just a bad guy, he’s a psychic megalomaniac. Dangerous in more ways than one, and apparently he’s the cult of personality, though I don’t see it.
  14. I will admit I’ve had that thought. There’s a hashtag on Twitter that is something like “things that last longer than NK’s missles” because they are all pretty much duds.
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