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lupin_bebop last won the day on January 7 2020

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  1. Dark Souls, Elden Ring, and other frame perfect “Souls-like” games are overrated and not fun to play. I’m not here to turn this game into an obsession or play it like I’m one of the developers. This game isn’t my job. It’s meant to be a fun hobby to enjoy after I do my fucking job everyday, not be like doing my fucking job everyday.
  2. Sigh. It’s sad they weren’t forward thinking or insightful enough to make these things universal or easy to transfer to another service/company if things like this went down.
  3. The video is gone now. Guess he really didn’t want people looking at it. 🙂☕️
  4. Yes. It’s called “personal access bias,” or more accurately, in your case “recency bias”. Say you only go on Friday afternoons, and it’s always busy. To you, it’s always busy, because it’s busy when you are available, which is Friday afternoons. Problem is everyone else is also available, which is why it’s busy. Basically, you have told us it’s busy on Friday afternoons. What about a different day? A different time? A non-holiday? Anything. You have no other measure of comparison, other than your recent visits. Go another time, it probably won’t be busy. TL;DR: It’s not busy. You just go when other people go. Find a different time, idiot.
  5. I always buy something and chill in Starbucks. I buy like a cake pop, then open a book or my laptop.
  6. Where am I going to get the freshest Jell-O now?
  7. 5 things I’m starting, because fuck people: 1. Giving back energy. If you’re going to walk up to me, see that I’m not paying attention because I’m doing something other than being in my phone, yet you slam your shit in front of me to startle me into paying attention, I’m going to slam your motherfucking beer and pretzels into the counter before putting them in a bag, which will also meet gravity. 2. Beating down unprompted stupid/bullshit statements. This one is a no brainer. “Are you open?” I just opened the motherfucking doors. “No. I’m closed now, sorry (Place I work is 24 hours).” 3. Calling out shitty behavior. From punching Nazis to getting people to handle their crotch spawn, I’m gonna start being an asshole to people who deserve it. 4. Rewarding good behavior. See previous, but giving muffins instead of hands. 5. Chaotic Neutral. Might give you cookies, might fuck up your entire family tree. Roll the dice.
  8. That whole fight was bullshit. As soon as I saw Jake get tagged, then Mike backed off, I knew it was bullshit.
  9. “The other 99%? You mean ‘the poor’? Fuck them.” ^ The why.
  10. They are only helping him. A hot terroist is the ULTIMATE forbidden fruit.
  11. Good luck finding an unbiased jury. Selector: “Who here has health insurance *Most of pool raises hands* ”Who has United?” *most of pool keeps hands up* Selector: “OK. We must dismiss these jurors, due to bias.”
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