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Everything posted by thevengefulone

  1. Eh, That's what we do , we're nerds .
  2. Dealing with depression isn't easy , and it can be pretty debilitating . Seeing someone would be the first step. I'm sure there are programs in your area that can help you , and depending or your insurance situation and income it would probably cost you little to nothing . But till then you gotta be tough , believe that things will be ok and they will be .
  3. I'd eat it . i like pickles
  4. But how do you know unless you try ?
  5. Of course .
  6. got an amazon wishlist ?
  7. https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.cwe0qELtE4u5ZOppJ661aAFBDC&pid=15.1&P=0&w=255&h=155
  8. thevengefulone


    Texas hold em" ?
  9. They haven't for about 20 years
  10. thevengefulone


    Eh , i thought so.
  11. So buttons
  12. I'm officially confused.
  13. I post this on facebook very thanksgiving day.
  14. I know i'm not crazy . It was a man and a woman on the beach . The lady gets bit and then the man gets overwhelmed . Someone else had to have seen it and remembers it
  15. I'm ON the menu , if anyone's interested
  16. And you guys can work it out among yourselves.
  17. Well spank my bottom and call me Belinda!
  18. I tend to do like 50 % A1, 50 % catsup
  19. thevengefulone


    Nither does anyone else around here ! A-BA-BOOM!
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